Who wants daemon engines? Sure we all do! I just added a third Fiend to my Chaos Space Marine army, this one’s a Forgefiend with all plasma.I already painted a Maulerfiend and a Forgefiend with autocannons a couple years ago so I thought I’d round out the triad of doom with an all ectoplasma Fiend. […]
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GW currently sells no Ork Skorcha kit, but if you’d like to have this hunk of burning love in your Ork horde it’s fairly simple to build one from existing Games Workshop plastic kits.A good place to start is the Ork Wartrakk kit. The current list price is $27.25 US so this won’t hurt your […]
Read MoreDo you know where your brush has been?Greetings fellow wargamers! Caleb with White Metal Games here!You can’t paint a miniature without hear about the quality of the kolinsky-sable line of brushes. Generally speaking these are thought of as a Roles Royce of painting brushes. But then I began to ask myself . . . why is that […]
Read MoreIf you have a large modeling backlog and like to get a lot of models painted in a short time, then quick batch painting methods are a tool for conquering that pile of kits. Here’s how I painted forty models in about fifteen hours.Keep in mind these were never intended to be extreme high quality […]
Read MoreBurn baby burn! How to make those engines pop on the table!Hey guys, Caleb with White Metal Games here. I recently had a chance to work on a Storm Eagle for a client. Like it’s baby brother, the Eagle has some impressive looking Vtrol engines on it with some kicking afterburners! The client expressed an […]
Read MoreThe plastic Vindicator is a fun model to work on and to field in games of Warhammer 40,000. I had more than a little painting and converting fun with three of them for my Chaos Space Marines.Painting tank squadrons so that they appear to belong together is a great way to make them look like […]
Read MoreMany Warhammer 40,000 hobbyists are excited about the new Codex Space Marines and related models so this week I thought I’d provide some tips for painting the Space Marine Stormtalon.The Stormtalon is a handy little flyer that can also hover and dish out quite a bit of firepower for its size. Painting it can be […]
Read MoreBig Mek Stompas require a bit of converting to the standard Stompa kit. They make for a fun hobby project that when finished will provide an Ork army with a massive amount of dakka. In a recent article I showed how I converted a Big Mek Stompa, this article will focus on painting it. The […]
Read MoreThe new Apocalypse Warhammer 40,000 supplement release on July 13 may have you thinking about working on some large models to bolster your forces or add some cool large centerpieces to it.As mentioned in my article recently about my Chaos Renegade Stormblade conversion, this time I’m going to talk about my Adeptus Mechanicus themed Baneblade […]
Read MoreI collect and paint all things Chaos, so after recently painting a Skull Cannon Of Khorne I set about working on a Burning Chariot Of Tzeentch. This model has a lot of elements to it so I built it in subsections and then painted those separately to make it easier and faster to paint. The […]
Read MoreWith an Internet hobby handle like “Brass Scorpion” you’d probably expect that I might like the new Skull Cannon Of Khorne and you’d be correct. Though when first revealed this model drew a lot of criticism on game forums I think once you get it up close and start work on it you discover that […]
Read MoreDa Ork Warbosses need a propa ride, but dem guys at Games Workshop still don’t make a model for it. Here’s a quick and fun way to give yer Orky chief da kinda ride he deserves. First, you’ll be needin’ a plastic Ork Warbike. One a da bikes from da current Ork Warbike plastic box […]
Read MoreTwo-stage edge highlighting is a technique that uses two similar paint colors, one brighter than the the other, to make it appear that the edges of a model are either catching light or glowing.Though I’ve used GW Necron models in my examples, the techniques described here are applicable to any models on which you wish […]
Read MoreI’ve been doing a lot of lava theme basing for my Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 Chaos models recently. I’ve shown some here in previous articles, but I’ve as yet never done a full description on how to do the actual painting. This article will focus on painting lava step-by-step. And what better model to use […]
Read MoreThere’s more than one way to paint the disgusting flesh of a Plaguebearer. Spikey Bits’ MBG recently had a good article about how to do so quickly with an air brush. My article here is about some alternative ideas and techniques I like to use for getting a large number of models done with alacrity. […]
Read MoreNecron Destroyer Lords are cool looking models and in tabletop 40K games they’re also a fun addition to an already nasty close combat unit like Canoptek Wraiths.Unfortunately, Games Workshop still does not make an all polystyrene plastic Destroyer Lord. They do still sell the old formerly metal upgrade bits in Finecast and they certainly look good, but […]
Read MoreWhen you are painting different units for a single army you usually want them all to be easily identifiable as being part of the same army, yet different enough that each unit has its own distinctiveness.Here are a some hobby tips for achieving that goal. One simple way of making units look the same yet […]
Read MoreGames Workshop has released a cool new Codex and tons of great new models for the Dark Angels both in multi-part sets and in the Dark Vengeance Warhammer 40,000 starter set.This article will focus on decorating ideas for the generic Space Marine models that are also used in Dark Angels armies to give them the […]
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