Get Your Very Own Swagmas – FREE Burning of Prospero!

By Rob Baer | December 23rd, 2016 | Categories: Patreon


Check out how you can get FREE miniatures from the new Burning of Prospero just for helping support our video features and more!



If you enjoy our Spikey Bits video features, please consider becoming a supporter on Patreon. After your first whole month of support, you’ll get a FREE Spikey Bits Swag Bag from us full of miniature goodies.

prospero burning box set

For all of December we’ll also be giving away to every new pledge of support over $1 (with no maximum cap – while supplies last) video a free squad* from the Horus Heresy Burning of Prospero set in addition to our normal swag bag (remember pledges of $1.50 or more also get access the items below as well).

That’s a $40 – $65 value PLUS our normal new supporter swag bag just for supporting us!

Plus the FREE MINIATURES doesn’t stop there folks, every month after your first, if you pledge the $3.00 a video support level (for 20 videos) you will receive a box of swag valued at over the total amount you just pledged, minus shipping expense and fees of course.

The $1.50 level, great for ballers on a budge, gets a shipment once per quarter (every 3 months) as there is only so much we can provide in large numbers at that price point.

It’s like the Robin Hood of support, except for you get what you give… back!

swag - deathwatch


All items are drawn from our Spikey Bits Miniature Vault that we’ve showcased in past video unboxings and features. So you know you’ll be getting some fresh swag back each month from us just for being a supporter (see the title picture for an idea of the kinds of models we’ve shipped out in the past).

new slyvaneth models

What if you don’t play Warhammer and want Star Wars ships or Age of Sigmar instead?

If you want a certain brand or type of minis (we default to 40k and 40k type swag) like X-Wing or Armada, just send us a message back when you register to let us know, and we’ll make it happen for you, and get you something HOT for your first month’s bonus in your swag bag! Even if we didn’t review that type of product that month we got you covered!!


Please Help Support Us

What we do here isn’t about money, but it takes money to do the things we do!

Patreon helps us share with you all the perks of doing what we do while growing our support to increase our ability to keep bringing the hobby back!

Look at it this way, you tip your barista or waiter and all they do is bring your food. Help us enrich your hobby life,  and bring hobby back – support us on Patreon today!

* Free squad (MkIII Iron Armor Tactical, Tartaros Terminators, Sisters of Silence, or Custode Guard ) from the HH box will come on the sprue and is for a support level of $1 a video a month, with no maximum cap. Check out all the details for support levels on our Patreon page itself.