Just $10: Go Ad-Free & Get The Minis You Deserve!

By Rob Baer | April 17th, 2020 | Categories: Patreon

patreon miniature crates spikey bitsGet a character model, logo sticker pack, a gift bag of money-saving discount codes, sample hobby products, stickers and more for just $10!

We know you love being on the cutting edge of the hobby, and getting new products like miniatures, paints, and tools!  That’s why we created a way for you to not only save more hobby dollars but also get new and exclusive hobby products from us as often as once a month!

patreon $10 level

🔥Army of One🔥
►One Free Miniature
►Ad-Free Access Spikey
►Logo Sticker Pack
►Welcome Gift Bag
►Retailer Discount Codes

➡️Check out all of the amazing benefits you get at this support level:

Get a character model, logo sticker pack, a gift bag of money-saving discount codes, sample hobby products, stickers and more for just $10!

stickers patreonPlus you also get Ad-free access to Spikey, our quick reference tutorial paint guides, a VIP subscription to the Long War Hall of Veterans page, and ad-free versions of all the videos we produce.

Rewards Included in the $10 Membership:

Here are all extra bonuses (including shipping), in our monthly membership to make it worth the small fee we charge.

ad-free patreon


  • Our famous Spikey Bits Gift Bag stuffed with all sorts of sample products, stickers, and more in your first shipment!
  • A copy of our exclusive manufacturer discount codes list so you can save $$$ every time you shop!
  • Ad-Free Access!
  • Exclusive after-hours content, miniature showcases, and painting tutorials on The Long War TV Hall of Veterans ( – a $9.99 a month value) included!
  • Downloadable PDF high-resolution quick reference guides for all our painting tutorials!

Pledges of $35 or more will get a miniature crate back in the mail as often as once every month with your choice of game system and faction (like Warhammer) with shipping included as part of your membership!

What’s the catch? Nothing! This is the Patreon that pays for itself! Get a package of miniatures delivered to your door now!

Get A Character Model & Spikey Bits Ad-Free For Just $10!