May $30 Custodes, Marines or Nurgle Miniature Crate!

By Rob Baer | May 4th, 2018 | Categories: Patreon

custodes header hor wal patreon

$30 Custodes and Shadespire are back for May’s miniature crate that comes with anything from Space Marines, to Armiger Knights, or any of the other top miniature games out there!


Advertisement, image an example of a $200 miniatures crate

If you enjoy our Spikey Bits video features, please consider becoming a supporter on Patreon. On your first month of support, you’ll get a FREE Spikey Bits Miniature Crate from us full of the model kits you select from the promos below, plus a Swag Bag full of discount coupons, and when available promo figures, resin bases, and a mini bits bag**.

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Rebel Troopers TUT Quick Ref Card

Get all our high-resolution quick reference guides and ad-free video content for only $10 a month

You also get exclusive VIP access to our quick reference tutorial paint guides and commercial-free versions of all the videos we produce. Plus exclusive download links for all of our videos so you can archive them to watch and use later, and free access to the Long War’s Hall of Veterans, and/or ad-free access to Spikeybits.com as well.

And now you can get painted miniatures each month as well! Check out the entire gallery of reward items to choose from on our redemptions page, and message us on Patreon for more details!

Remember no matter what game you play we got you covered! For your support you will get something cool shipped to your door from the game systems and factions below:

cat naps redemption twitch swag patreonSupporters can choose from the following factions and systems of miniatures to receive as a reward for their support (see reward levels below for more information).

You can choose just a game system itself or pick specific faction(s) inside that game system. We recommend picking multiple game systems or factions as it makes for the best variety possible in an exciting miniature crate!

Warhammer 40k:

  • Imperials: (Ad Mechs, Sisters of Silence, Guard, Imperial Knights)
  • Space Marines: (Deathwatch, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Grey Knights, Space Wolves, Primaris, Custodes)
  • Xenos: (Tyranids, Tau, Orks, Necrons, Both Eldars, Genestealer Cults)
  • Chaos:  (Daemons, Marines, Death Guard, Thousand Sons)

GW Games:

  • Age of Sigmar: (Order, Destruction, Chaos or Death)
  • Shadespire: (Expansions & Accessories; please pick this and another game system for your shipments as these may not ship every time due to demand)
  • Bloodbowl: (Expansions & Accessories only; please pick this and another game system for your shipments as these may not ship every time due to demand)
  • Necromunda: (Expansions & Accessories only; please pick this and another game system for your shipments as these may not ship every time due to demand)

Other Game Systems:

  • Hobby (Paints, Tools, Play-mats, Storage, terrain, etc. You never know what’ll be included here, it’s all one category we lovingly call “Hobby”)
  • Privateer Press (Warmachine or Hordes, then select a faction)
  • Infinity (Select a faction)
  • Fantasy Flight Games: Runewars, Star Wars (X-Wing, and/or Armada, includes playmats and game aids from time to time) 


We’ll be looking to offer Star Wars Legion once more supply and expansions are available for the game. Stay tuned for more info on this hot new game coming soonto our miniature crate!

become a supporter

To become a supporter, all you have to do is pledge a certain amount per month: either our $1+, $20, $30, $60, $100, $200  We are now making nearly 40 videos a month, publishing every day except for Sundays and major Holidays!

If you pledge $30 or more a month total, you get that much back in miniatures delivered to your door, after your first month based on the total amount you’re pledging**

For your first month of support, you get all the great promo items for signing up that brought you to this page in the first place from the options below:

Dark Imperium marine chaos hor

Every new $30 a month support pledge gets you a choice of one of the swag options below:

  • A squad of new plastic Primaris Space Marine OR Nurgle Death Guard Renegade Squads* from the new Dark Imperium 8th Edition Starter set plus one Dark Imperium character model from the same faction.
  • Your choice of one unit of MK III or MK IV Plastic Space Marines from Horus Heresy.
  • Your choice of a Squad of Nurgle Plaguebearers, or Nurglings, and one 40k Nurgle Death Guard Character from the Dark Imperium starter set.
  • One Squad of Adeptus Custodes Guard.
  • A New in Box Large Ship From X-Wing Miniatures, or Star Wars Armada
  • One New in Box Expansion set from Runewars
  • A new Infinity Blister Pack of your chosen Faction
  • OR one box set of your chosen faction from Warmachine or Hordes

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Of course all that is in addition to our normal swag bag full of bits, manufacturer coupons and more. All shipped to your door the first month that you start supporting us.

That’s up to a $60 value PLUS our normal new supporter swag bag just for supporting us!

After that, all pledges of $30 a month, which is great for ballers on a budget, get a reward shipment once per quarter (every 3 months) as there isn’t much available in this hobby that we can ship out monthly for this support level. You can cancel your monthly support at any time to receive your final reward shipment from us.

Fancy something… more?

knight Armiger

New Pledges of $60 a month gets you a choice of one of the swag options below:

  • Two squads of the new plastic Primaris Space Marine OR Nurgle Death Guard Renegade Squads* plus one Dark Imperium character model from the same faction
  • One new Armiger Imperial Knight on Sprue
  • Your choice of one unit of MK III or MK IV Plastic Space Marines from Horus Heresy, and one squad of the new plastic Primaris Space Marines or Nurgle Death Guard Renegade Squads* plus one Dark Imperium character model from the same faction.
  • One Squad of Adeptus Custodes Guard, and one squad of the new plastic Primaris Space Marines or Nurgle Death Guard Renegade Squads* plus one Dark Imperium character model from the same faction.
  • Your choice of a Squad of Nurgle Plaguebearers, Plague Drones, or Nurglings, and a Nurgle Death Guard Renegade Squad* plus a 40k Nurgle Death Guard Character (both from the Dark Imperium starter set).
  • A Shadespire Expansion set and one squad of new plastic Primaris Space Marine OR Nurgle Death Guard Renegade Squads* from the new Dark Imperium 8th Edition Starter set plus one Dark Imperium character model from the same faction. 
  • 2 New in Box Large Ships (or one large and two small) From X-Wing Miniatures, or Star Wars Armada.
  • TWO New in Box Expansion set from Runewars
  • One Infinity Box Set, and one blister pack of your chosen Faction
  • OR one box set and two blister packs of your chosen faction from Warmachine or Hordes

That’s up to $80++ value PLUS our normal new supporter swag bag just for supporting us!

Each month after that you’ll get another rewards shipment of miniatures sent to you as long as you are a supporter of what we do here.

Primaris Space Marines

New Pledges of $100 a month gets you a choice of one of the swag options below:

  • THREE squads of the new plastic Primaris Space Marine OR Nurgle Death Guard Renegade Squads* plus two Dark Imperium character models from the same faction
  • One new Armiger Imperial Knight on Sprue, and one Imperial faction unit from a keyword of your choice: (Ad Mech, Sisters of Silence, Custodes, Guard, Space Marines)
  • Your choice of one MK III or MK IV Plastic Space Marines from Horus Heresy, and two squads of the new plastic Primaris Space Marines OR Nurgle Death Guard Renegade units* plus two Dark Imperium character models (of the same faction).
  • One Squad of Adeptus Custodes, and two squads of the new plastic Primaris Space Marines OR Nurgle Death Guard Renegade units* plus two Dark Imperium character models (of the same faction).
  • A Shadespire Expansion set and two squads of new plastic Primaris Space Marine OR Nurgle Death Guard Renegade Squads* from the new Dark Imperium 8th Edition Starter set plus two Dark Imperium character model from the same faction. 
  • Your choice of two Squads of Nurgle Plaguebearers, Plague Drones, or Nurglings, and a Nurgle Death Guard Renegade Squad* plus two 40k Nurgle Death Guard Character (both from the Dark Imperium starter set).
  • 3 New in Box Large Ships (or two large and two small) From X-Wing Miniatures, or Star Wars Armada.
  • THREE New in Box Expansion set from Runewars
  • Two brand new Infinity Box Sets and one blister pack of your chosen Faction
  • OR two box sets and two blister packs of your chosen faction from Warmachine or Hordes

Dark Imperium

You get all that in addition to our normal swag bag full of bits, manufacturer coupons and more. All shipped to your door the first month that you start supporting us.

That’s $160++ worth of the new 8th Edition minis PLUS our normal new supporter swag bag just for supporting us!

Each month after that you’ll get another rewards shipment of miniatures sent to you as long as you are a supporter of what we do here!

Any new pledges at the $200 a month level will get all of the sweet rewards mentioned above at the $100 level, PLUS another $100 in retail value of additional miniatures from the game system faction(s) you specify in your first month’s swag shipment!

Each month after that you’ll get another rewards shipment of miniatures equal to your support level* sent to you as long as you are a supporter of what we do here!

Plus the FREE MINIATURES doesn’t stop there folks, every month after your first, you will receive a box of swag valued at over the total amount you just pledged.

Pledges of $30 a month, which is great for ballers on a budget, gets a shipment once per quarter (every 3 months) and all shipments are minus a small percentage for shipping and Patreon fees. See site for details

It’s like the Robin Hood of support, except for you get what you give… back!*


All items are drawn from our Spikey Bits Miniature Vault that we’ve showcased in past video unboxings and features. So you know you’ll be getting some fresh swag back each month from us just for being a supporter (see the title picture for an idea of the kinds of models we’ve shipped out in the past).

What if you don’t play Warhammer and want Star Wars, Privateer, or Infinity instead?

For all new supporters at the $60 level or more wanting Infinity, Warmachine, Hordes, X-Wing, Armada or Runewars, you will get in your first shipment the latest and greatest of the faction you specify along with all the normal Spikey Bits swag and coupons that everyone else does.

Please note due to product value restrictions: Infinity, Warmachine, Hordes, X-Wing, Armada or Runewars are for $60 a month support levels or higher.

If you want a certain brand or type of minis like X-Wing, Privateer Press, Infinity, or Armada, just send us a message back when you register to let us know, and we’ll make it happen for you.

  • Privateer Press (Warmachine or Hordes, select a faction)
  • Infinity (Select a faction).
  • Fantasy Flight Games: Runewars, Star Wars (X-Wing and/or Armada by faction, also includes playmats and game aides from time to time)

We’ll make sure you get something HOT for your first month’s bonus in your swag bag as well, even if we didn’t review that type of product that month we got you covered!!

What we do here isn’t about money, but it takes money to do the things we do!

Patreon helps us share with you all the perks of doing what we do while growing our support to increase our ability to keep bringing the hobby back!

Look at it this way, you tip your barista or waiter and all they do is bring your food. Help us enrich your hobby life,  and bring hobby back – support us on Patreon today

**Remember we take out 20% for flat rate shipping worldwide, and Patreon’s fee for each shipment as well. Bits are when available, we don’t have leftover parts every month, sorry. All prices are based on advertised retail prices, we do not take into account any secondary sellers like eBay or Amazon.

* New 8th Edition squads (Intercessor, Hellblaster, Inceptor Squad or Nurgle Plague Marines, Pox Walkers Foetid Bloat Drone squads ) or Characters (Primaris Lieutenants, Ancient, Captain in Gravis Armor, or Nurgle Lord of Contagion, Noxious Blightbringer, Malignant Plaguecaster) from the Dark Imperium box will come on the sprue and are shipped to each supporter based on which faction chosen when you message us back with your swag preferences.

Check out all the details for support levels on our Patreon page itself.

About the Author: Rob Baer

Rob Baer

 rob avatar faceJob Title: Managing Editor

Founded Spikey Bits in 2009

Socials: Rob Baer on Facebook and @catdaddymbg on X

About Rob Baer: Founder, Publisher, & Managing Editor of Spikey Bits, the leading tabletop gaming news website focused on the hobby side of wargaming and miniatures.  Rob has won many Warhammer 40k Tournaments over the years, including the Adepticon Team Tournament and American Team Tournaments, and is on a first-name basis with almost every major company in the space.

He’s all gaming all the time. With over 30 years of experience in retail and distribution, Rob knows all the products and exactly which ones are the best. He advocates for gaming stores and manufacturers in these difficult times, always looking for the next big thing to feature for the miniatures hobby, helping everyone to provide the value consumers want.

While he’s played every edition of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy (since 5th Edition) and has been hobbying on miniatures since the 1908s, Titans of all sizes will always be his favorite! It’s even rumored that his hobby vault rivals the Solemnance Galleries, containing rulebooks filled with lore from editions long past, ancient packs of black-bordered Magic Cards, and models made of both pewter and resin.