Profit With This Patreon: Get Two Characters For $10 & More

By Rob Baer | December 15th, 2019 | Categories: Patreon, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Primaris-smooth-patreonI can’t believe we’re doing this! Profit with this Patreon and score two character models, money-saving discount codes, and more for only $10!

It’s the Patreon that pays for itself! Get a package of miniatures delivered to your door with anything from Warhammer 40k to Age of Sigmar, and other top games out there for as little as $10 a month!
Plus also get Ad-Free Spikey bits and VIP access to The Long War’s TV Hall of Veterans ( – a $9.99 a month value)!

Now is YOUR chance to get in on all the cool miniature swag we feature in our videos here at Spikey Bits, by being a gracious supporter on Patreon!

You’ll also get our famous Spikey Bits Gift Bag stuffed with all sorts of hobby swag, exclusive manufacturer discount codes, a Magnet Sample pack, stickers and more.

discount codes

Some of our exclusive discounts for 2019.

40k Kill Team Miniature Crates Are Here!

To become a supporter, all you have to do is pledge a certain amount per month: $1, $6, $10, $35, $60, $100, or $200 tiers.

If you pledge $35 or more a month you will get a custom crate full of miniatures back in the mail as often as once every month.

patreon shipping small New $10 Miniature Crates Arrive for October

Worldwide Flat Rate shipping is included with every pledge! (see Patreon page for more details)
patreon levels - Copy
All items are drawn from our Spikey Bits Miniature Vault that we’ve showcased in past video unboxings and features. So you know you’ll be getting some fresh swag back each month from us just for being a supporter!


Pay It Hobby Forward & Sign Up Now!

Patreon helps us share with you all the perks of doing what we do while increasing our ability to keep bringing the hobby back!

Look at it this way, you tip your barista or waiter and all they do is bring your food. Help us enrich your hobby life,  and bring hobby back – support us on Patreon today!