40k COSPLAY – Valhallan Ice Warrior

By Rob Baer | March 29th, 2015 | Categories: Cosplay, Picture of the Day

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Wanna get inspired? This is NOT your run of the mill Cosplay folks, those Russians are super serious about their costumes!

Not only was this a photo shoot, BUT they also made a very high quality ‘post-shoot’ video to go along with it too.

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SRMHUYn3V_wCheckout the more revealing pictures of the photo-shoot, and the accompanying video below. It’s very well done, but this is Russia, and be aware there is some skin shown.

I got a kick out of seeing a model shoot but with a 40k twist. You don’t see this sort of thing very often that’s for sure. Kudos to the team that put this together.

If you missed the Astartes Cosplay Version of this a few weeks ago, you may want to check that out as well.

Caution link may be NSFW

Warhammer 40 000, Valhallan Ice Warrior Video