Malifaux Death Marshal Cosplay from Adepticon 2017

By James Rodriguez | April 28th, 2024 | Categories: Cosplay, Malifaux, Picture of the Day, Wyrd

Malifaux Death Marshal Wal HorzWe came across this Malifaux Death Marshal Cosplay at Adepticon this year, and couldn’t let him just walk by without getting some pictures.

Kevin Kucharski put together one of the best cosplay’s we saw all weekend. Come to find out it’s his first time ever doing anything cosplay related. Kudos to you sir. Take a look at this amazing Malifaux Death Marshal!

Malifaux Death MarshalMalifaux Death MarshalMalifaux Death Marshal

Kevin came in strong with his Peacebringer and Pinebox, ready to lay some people to rest!