MUST SEE Inquisitor Cosplay – Pic of the Day

By Rob Baer | September 8th, 2015 | Categories: Cosplay, Inquisition, Picture of the Day


Surly no one suspected THIS awesome cosplay. It’s been a while since we’ve seen an Inquisitior cosplay of this caliber – come see!

Once again some of the best is coming to us out of Russia, well the Ukraine to be exact. Beginning cosplayer Alexey Konstantynov may have just knocked this one out of the park!

Via Cosplayer Alexey Konstantynov

Beginner cosplayer
Work as a part of great team at ARTHAMMER WORKSHOP

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Checkout the rest of the armor in the gallery below

Inquisitor Cosplay Gallery

That was a pretty impressive Cosplay, as the craftmanship looks top notch. Everything seems to combine together to make a great looking set of armor that anyone would be proud to own!


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