So You Want To Open Carry? – Pic of The Day

By Rob Baer | August 21st, 2015 | Categories: Picture of the Day


Feel the need to Open Carry? Check this baby out! Good news is, 1000 rounds of ammo only weighs one pound.

It’s Nerf or NOTHING!

But on the real folks, I was at the event in question,  and there was no one there with Assault Rifles. This picture that was posted on Tastey Tastes’s blog was NOT even from the event (heck that’s a Chipolte restaurant).


There was a few open carry pistols there sure, but that’s America – you can see that anywhere. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, I’m just saying no cowboys were running around with assault rifles at the event I was at, that’s for sure.

And speaking of “cowboys”, I know of one Federal Agent who was onsite, concealed carrying the whole time regardless (because thats his job).

4th america scouts

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