Who Gave the Commissar a Bolt Pistol? – Webcomic

By Richard McKey | July 15th, 2016 | Categories: Picture of the Day, Web Comic


After a short interlude, Eagle Ordinary is back! Come see the latest installment for the Ordinaries, and who gave the Commissar a Bolt Pistol?

Alright, I’ll bet six lho’s, my last drop of amasec, and my best pair of boots, I’m all in… ah frag it, the Commissar’s back!


We’re happy to be back in action, and we have an announcements to accompany our return: our illustrator made something for Forge World!

It was a real pleasure to be part of a very fun project.

You can talk to us on our Mechanicum sanctioned Facebook page.


Vist for back Issues -Eagle Ordniary Comic Page.