Checkout the New Pre-Order Items For JULY

By Rob Baer | July 5th, 2013 | Categories: Pre-Order, Tabletop Gaming Products

That’s right we just added even more new items and pre-order goodies over on the Spikey Bits Webstore.

Don’t miss out on the HOT new Infinity Releases, and Art Book that comes out this summer!

Also releasing next week is the ‘spanking new Warmachine Faction- Convergence of Cyriss that everyone is talking about!

Be sure to check out all the new stuff, and hey if you need any of the new hotness, help support Spikey Bits- the team of gamers that’s working hard for you here everyday!

Check them all out here on our pre-orders page

Oh and don’t forget about 40k Apocalypse that is coming our July 13th as well.

40-03 Warhammer 40K Apocalypse EXPANSION RULEBOOK ~ 
40-48 Imperial Targeting Templates 
43-20 Khorne Lord of Skulls PLASTIC BOX 
47-24 Imperial Guard Baneblade PLASTIC BOX 
49-19 Necron Tesseract Vault 
64-57 Wall of Martyrs – Vengeance Weapon Battery 
64-58 Wall of Martyrs – Firestorm Redoubt 
64-59 Wall of Martyrs – Aquila Strongpoint 

The following items have arrived, or are arriving shortly.

PIP 1053 Forces of WARMACHINE: Convergence of Cyriss Softcover RULEBOOK ~ JUL 10 $29.99 
PIP 1054 Forces of WARMACHINE: Convergence of Cyriss Hardcover RULEBOOK ~ JUL 10 $39.99 
PIP 36000 Convergence: Battlegroup PLASTIC Starter BOX ~ JUL 10 $49.99 
PIP 36002 Convergence: Cipher/Inverter/Monitor PLASTIC Heavy Vector BOX ~ JUL 10 $34.99 

Newly added Pre-Orders

INF280162 Ariadna: 9th Wulver Grenadiers Regiment BOX (4) ~ JUL $37.73 
INF280364 Yu Jing: Asuka Kisaragi, Aragoto Senkenbutai Jun-I BOX (2) ~ JUL $41.78 
INF280462 Haqqislam: Hassassin Barid – Hacker (1) ~ JUL $12.49 
INF280563 Nomads: Hellcats – HMG + Hacker (2) ~ JUL $21.26 
INF280910 Tohaa: Tohaa Support Pack BOX (3) ~ JUL $35.03 
INF289601 Infinity: Artbook One w/ PREORDER MINIATURE ~ Late AUG $40.43 

The following items are expected in the month of July.

40-03 Warhammer 40K Apocalypse EXPANSION RULEBOOK ~
40-48 Imperial Targeting Templates ~
43-20 Khorne Lord of Skulls  ~
47-24 Imperial Guard Baneblade  ~
49-19 Necron Tesseract Vault  ~
64-57 Wall of Martyrs – Vengeance Weapon Battery  ~
64-58 Wall of Martyrs – Firestorm Redoubt  ~
64-59 Wall of Martyrs – Aquila Strongpoint  ~

AoW55 Avatars of War: Dwarf Master Gunner ~ JUL
AoW56 Avatars of War: Dire Harpy of the Apocalypse ~ JUL

CIS CS1046 Anima Tactics: Light Faction – Dagger ~ JUL $11.99 
CIS CS1047 Anima Tactics: Light Faction – Mijhail ~ JUL $17.99 
CIS CS2048 Anima Tactics: Dark Faction – Hellhound ~ JUL $8.99 

CIS HD2012 Hell Dorado: Sun Wukong ~ JUL $15.99 

FFG SWC06 Star Wars LCG: The Battle of Hoth Force Pack ~ JUL $14.95 
FFG SWX20 Star Wars X-Wing: Starfield Game Tile Kit ~ JUL $39.95 
FFG VA88 Letters from Whitechapel ~ JUL $49.95 

GF9 BM0005 Battlemat Asteroid Belt ~ JUL $39.99 

INF280162 Ariadna: 9th Wulver Grenadiers Regiment BOX (4) ~ JUL $37.73 
INF280364 Yu Jing: Asuka Kisaragi, Aragoto Senkenbutai Jun-I BOX (2) ~ JUL $41.78 
INF280462 Haqqislam: Hassassin Barid – Hacker (1) ~ JUL $12.49 
INF280563 Nomads: Hellcats – HMG + Hacker (2) ~ JUL $21.26 
INF280910 Tohaa: Tohaa Support Pack BOX (3) ~ JUL $35.03 

MGE KWH11-1 Ogre Warriors (6) ~ JUL $29.99 
MGE KWH12-1 Ogre Shooters (6) ~ JUL $29.99 
MGE KWH70-1 Ogre Grokagamok ~ JUL $14.99 
MGE KWH71-1 Ogre Command (3) ~ JUL $24.99 
MGE KWH81-1 Ogre Army ~ JUL $74.99 
MGE KWM02-1 Kings of War: Kings and Legends RULEBOOK ~ JUL $19.99 
MGE KWO18-1 Goblin Mincer ~ JUL $19.99 
MGE KWO24-1 Goblin Flebag Riders ~ JUL $34.99 
MGE KWO25-1 Goblin Flebag Riders Archers ~ JUL $39.99 
MGE KWO90-1 Goblin Heroes ~ JUL $19.99 
MGE KWU21-1 Undead Skeleton Regiment (redesign) ~ JUL $24.99 
MGE KWU26-1 Undead Ghoul Regiment (redesign) ~ JUL $24.99 
MGE KWU92-1 Undead Lord Malak ~ JUL $19.99 

PIP 1053 Forces of WARMACHINE: Convergence of Cyriss Softcover RULEBOOK ~ JUL 10 $29.99 
PIP 1054 Forces of WARMACHINE: Convergence of Cyriss Hardcover RULEBOOK ~ JUL 10 $39.99 
PIP 32100 Protectorate: Deliverers Unit (10) BOX ~ JUL 24 $49.99 
PIP 36000 Convergence: Battlegroup PLASTIC Starter BOX ~ JUL 10 $49.99 
PIP 36001 Convergence: Aurora, Numen of Aerogenesis Warcaster ~ JUL 24 $16.99 
PIP 36002 Convergence: Cipher/Inverter/Monitor PLASTIC Heavy Vector BOX ~JUL 10 $34.99 
PIP 36003 Convergence: Clockwork Angels Unit (3) ~ JUL 24 $24.99 
PIP 41107 Mercenaries: Greygore Boomhowler & Co. Minion Trollkin Character Unit (10) BOX ~ JUL 24 $69.99 

SPG DLBS09 Dystopian Legions: Blazing Sun Ke-Ho Ironclad (1) BOX ~ JUL $102.00 
SPG DLBS20 Dystopian Legions: Blazing Sun Imperial Rifles Infantry Section (5) ~ JUL $24.00 
SPG DLFS20 Dystopian Legions: Federated States Armoured Infantry Section (5) ~ JUL $24.00 
SPG DLKB09 Dystopian Legions: Britannia Terrier Ironclad (1) BOX ~ JUL $75.00 
SPG DLKB20 Dystopian Legions: Britannia Black Watch Infantry Section (5) ~ JUL $24.00 
SPG DLPE20 Dystopian Legions: Prussian Empire Landwehr Infantry Section (5) ~ JUL $24.00 
SPG DWAL38 Dystopian Wars: Ottoman Empire Hisar Class Mobile Airfield (1) BOX ~ JUL $50.00 
SPG DWCA41 Dystopian Wars: Antarctican Battle Flotilla BOX ~ JUL $64.00 
SPG DWCA42 Dystopian Wars: Antarctican Hunter Flotilla BOX ~ JUL $39.00 
SPG DWCA43 Dystopian Wars: Antarctican Support Flotilla BOX ~ JUL $43.00 
SPG DWCA44 Dystopian Wars: Antarctican Armoured Support Group BOX ~ JUL $43.00 
SPG DWCA45 Dystopian Wars: Antarctican Aerial Battle Group BOX ~ JUL $75.00 
SPG DWCA46 Dystopian Wars: Antarctican Armoured Walker Group BOX ~ JUL $47.00 
SPG DWCA47 Dystopian Wars: Antarctican Ground Fortifications BOX ~ JUL $47.00 
SPG DWFS41 Dystopian Wars: Federated States Battle Flotilla BOX ~ JUL $55.00 
SPG DWFS42 Dystopian Wars: Federated States Armoured Assault Group BOX ~ JUL $45.00 
SPG DWFS43 Dystopian Wars: Federated States Support Flotilla BOX ~ JUL $35.00 
SPG DWFS45 Dystopian Wars: Federated States Aerial Battle Group BOX ~ JUL $52.00 
SPG DWFS46 Dystopian Wars: Federated States Aerial Robot Group BOX ~ JUL $62.00 
SPG DWFS47 Dystopian Wars: Federated States Ground Fortifications BOX ~ JUL $47.00 

SPG FAAT16 Firestorm Armada: Kurak Alliance Hawker Industries Fleet BOX ~ JUL $75.00 
SPG FAZR16 Firestorm Armada: Works Raptor Alliance Fleet BOX ~ JUL $75.00 

SPG SGSD01 Spartan Scenics: Hanger Set BOX ~ JUL $37.00 
SPG SGSS15 Spartan Scenics: Teleporter Accessories BOX ~ JUL $35.00 
SPG SGSS16 Spartan Scenics: Mess Hall Accessories BOX ~ JUL $31.00 
SPG SGSS17 Spartan Scenics: Barricade Accessories BOX ~ JUL $43.00 
SPG SGSS18 Spartan Scenics: Blast Door Accessories BOX ~ JUL $40.00 
SPG SGSS19 Spartan Scenics: Medusa Radar Array Set BOX ~ JUL $43.00 
SPG SGSS20 Spartan Scenics: RX-15 ‘Gauntlet’ Missile Platform Set BOX ~ JUL $43.00 

WLG BOLT-ACTION-5 Bolt Action: Armies of Imperial Japan RULEBOOK ~ JULY 2013 $25.00 

WYR 6020 Iron Zombies BOX Set: The University of Transmortis ~ JUL $40.00