New Gaming Releases & Pre-Order Items MAR ’13

By Rob Baer | March 3rd, 2014 | Categories: Pre-Order

That’s right we just added even more new items and pre-order goodies over on the Spikey Bits Webstore.

Don’t miss out on the HOT new Imperial Knights releases from Games Workshop!

Also releasing this month are new faction releases for Dropzone Commander, as well Infinity, Warmachine and Hordes!

Be sure to check out all the new stuff, and hey if you need any of the new hotness, help support Spikey Bits- the team of gamers that’s working hard for you here everyday!

Check them all out here on our pre-orders page

Pre-Orders Just Released and Now Available 

Warhammer Fantasy Dwarves
DZC 21021 UCM: Eagle Gunship ~ MAR $21.50
DZC 22019 Scourge: Harbinger ~ MAR $21.00
DZC 22020 Scourge: Stalker ~ MAR $18.50
DZC 23019 Shaltari: Caiman ~ MAR $19.00
DZC 24023 PHR: Mercury ~ MAR $16.00
INF280164 Ariadna: Scots Guards, 6th Caledonian Infantry Regiment BOX (4) ~ FEB $39.13
INF280368 Yu Jing: Raiden Seibutai – Spitfire (1) ~ FEB $12.95
INF280465 Haqqislam: Sekban, Special Naval Unit BOX (4) ~ FEB $39.13
INF280659 Combined Army: Gwailos – Heavy Rocket Launcher (1) ~ FEB $12.95
INF280838 ALEPH: Ekdromoi – HMG (1) ~ FEB $12.95
PIP 36010 Convergence: Iron Mother Directrix & Exponent Servitors Warcaster Unit (3) ~ FEB 26 $34.99
PIP 61008 High Command: WARMACHINE: Into the Breach Expansion ~ FEB 26 $15.99
PIP 72078 Circle Orboros: Gorax Light PLASTIC Warbeast BOX ~ FEB 26 $18.99
PIP 75047 Minions: War Hog Farrow PLASTIC Heavy Warbeast BOX ~ FEB 26 $34.99
PIP 91068 Retribution of Scyrah Myrmidon Wreck Markers (3) BOX (resin & metal) ~ FEB 26 $19.99
PIP 91069 Convergence of Cyriss Vector Wreck Markers (3) BOX (resin & metal) ~ FEB 26 $19.99
New Pre-Order Items
54-10 Imperial Knight PLASTIC BOX ~ MAR 1
INF280269 PanOceania: Neoterran Capitaline Army – PanOceania Sectorial Starter Pack (6) BOX ~ MAR $51.73
INF280270 PanOceania: Neoterra Bolts – Combi Rifle + Light Shotgun (3) ~ MAR $22.05
INF280424 Haqqislam: Tarik Mansuri, Amir of Khawarijs – DA CCW (1) ~ MAR $27.93
INF280567 Nomads: Gecko Squadron (2) BOX ~ MAR $67.13
INF280712 Mercenaries: Authorized Bounty Hunter – Combi Rifle (1) ~ MAR $12.95
INF280915 Tohaa: Neema Saatar, Ectros Regiment Officer – Combi Rifle, Light RL (1) ~ MAR $14.35
Pre-Order Items Arriving Soon (or newly released)

54-10 Imperial Knight PLASTIC BOX ~ MAR 1
BFM D201 Dust Tactics: Axis Kampfgruppe Stefan Starter Set ~ FEB $50.00
BFM D202 Dust Tactics: SSU Battlegroup Koshka Starter Set ~ FEB $50.00
BFM D203 Dust Tactics: Allies Taskforce Joe Starter Set ~ FEB $50.00
BFM D205 Dust Tactics: Axis Warfare Cards ~ FEB $10.00
BFM D206 Dust Tactics: SSU Warfare Cards ~ FEB $10.00
BFM D207 Dust Tactics: Allies Warfare Cards ~ FEB $10.00
BFM D900 Dust Tactics: DUST Warfare Token Set ~ FEB $15.00
FFG ADN13 Android Netrunner LCG: Fear and Loathing Data Pack ~ FEB $14.95
FFG DJ07 Descent: Journeys in the Dark 2nd Edition – Shadow of Nerekhall Expansion ~ FEB $59.95
FFG SWC11 Star Wars LCG: Lure of the Dark Side Force Pack ~ FEB $14.95
FFG SWC12 Star Wars LCG: Knowledge and Defense Force Pack ~ FEB $14.95
FFG SWE08 Star Wars RPG: Edge of the Empire Dangerous Covenants Sourcebook ~ FEB $29.95
FFG SWX22 Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game: Tantive IV Expansion Pack ~ FEB $89.95
INF280164 Ariadna: Scots Guards, 6th Caledonian Infantry Regiment BOX (4) ~ FEB $39.13
INF280368 Yu Jing: Raiden Seibutai – Spitfire (1) ~ FEB $12.95
INF280465 Haqqislam: Sekban, Special Naval Unit BOX (4) ~ FEB $39.13
INF280659 Combined Army: Gwailos – Heavy Rocket Launcher (1) ~ FEB $12.95
INF280838 ALEPH: Ekdromoi – HMG (1) ~ FEB $12.95
MGE DZE02-1 Deadzone: Enforcer Troops Booster (5) ~ FEB $19.99
MGE DZE03-1 Deadzone: Enforcer Specialists Booster (5) ~ FEB $19.99
MGE DZE04-1 Deadzone: Enforcer Captain ~ FEB $9.99
MGE DZM02-1 Deadzone: Contagion ~ FEB $99.99
MGE DZM03-1 Deadzone: RULEBOOK ~ FEB $19.99
MGE DZM05-1 Deadzone: Deluxe Mat ~ FEB $24.99
MGE DZP02-1 Deadzone: Plague Troops Booster (5) ~ FEB $19.99
MGE DZP03-1 Deadzone: Plague Monsters Booster ~ FEB $24.99
MGE DZP04-1 Deadzone: Plague Support Booster ~ FEB $24.99
MGE DZP05-1 Deadzone: Plague Stage 1A ~ FEB $17.99
PIP 33101 Khador: Orsus Zoktavir, the Butcher Unleashed Epic Warcaster Unit (3) BOX ~ FEB 12 $64.99
PIP 35058 Retribution: Issyria, Sibyl of Dawn Warcaster ~ FEB 12 $15.99
PIP 36010 Convergence: Iron Mother Directrix & Exponent Servitors Warcaster Unit (3) ~ FEB 26 $34.99
PIP 36025 Convergence: Transverse Enumerator Unit Attachment ~ FEB 12 $11.99
PIP 61008 High Command: WARMACHINE: Into the Breach Expansion ~ FEB 26 $15.99
PIP 72078 Circle Orboros: Gorax Light PLASTIC Warbeast BOX ~ FEB 26 $18.99
PIP 75047 Minions: War Hog Farrow PLASTIC Heavy Warbeast BOX ~ FEB 26 $34.99
PIP 75057 Minions: Bog Trog Ambushers Unit (10) BOX ~ FEB 12 $49.99
PIP 91068 Retribution of Scyrah Myrmidon Wreck Markers (3) BOX (resin & metal) ~ FEB 26 $19.99
PIP 91069 Convergence of Cyriss Vector Wreck Markers (3) BOX (resin & metal) ~ FEB 26 $19.99
PIP 99117 Scars of Caen: Charsaug League Core Kit ~ FEB (Based on Availability) $29.99
PIP 99118 Scars of Caen: Charsaug League Reinforcement Kit ~ FEB (Based on Availability) $9.99
PMP ACW90 Perry Bros ACW Artillery 1861-65 28mm Hard PLASTIC BOX Set $40.00
PMP GWW1 Perry Bros German Afrika Korps 28mm Hard PLASTIC BOX Set $40.00
QWS SPHO51 Hordes Circle Orboros Dice (6) – PIP72 $19.00
QWS SPHO52 Hordes Legion of Everblight Dice (6) – PIP73 $19.00
QWS SPHO53 Hordes Minions Dice (6) – PIP75 $19.00
QWS SPHO54 Hordes Skorne Dice (6) – PIP74 $19.00
QWS SPHO55 Hordes Trollbloods Dice (6) – PIP71 $19.00
QWS SPWA50 Warmachine Convergance of Cyriss Dice (6) – PIP36 $19.00
SPG DWEX15 Dystopian Wars: Eclipse Company Aerial Battle Group BOX ~ FEB $75.00
SPG DWEX16 Dystopian Wars: Eclipse Company Support Group BOX ~ FEB $47.00
SPG DWEX17 Dystopian Wars: Battlefield Objective Set ~ FEB $19.00
SPG FAAP16 Firestorm Armada: Aquan Prime Battlecruiser Squadron BOX ~ FEB $35.00
SPG FADF16 Firestorm Armada: Dindrenzi Federation Battlecruiser Squadron BOX ~ FEB $35.00
SPG FAEX04 Firestorm Armada: Battlefield Objectives ~ FEB $19.00
SPG FASC16 Firestorm Armada: Sorylian Collective Battlecruiser Squadron BOX ~ FEB $35.00
SPG FATA16 Firestorm Armada: Terran Alliance Battlecruiser Squadron BOX ~ FEB $35.00
SPG FATD16 Firestorm Armada: Directorate Battlecruiser Squadron BOX ~ FEB $35.00
SPG FATR16 Firestorm Armada: Relthoza Battlecruiser Squadron BOX ~ FEB $35.00
WYR 20009 Malifaux M2E Rules Manual $15.00
WYR 20103 Guild: The Latigo Posse (Perdita) PLASTIC BOX Set ~ FEB 28 $45.00
WYR 20105 Guild: Witchling Stalker PLASTIC BOX ~ FEB 28 $18.00
WYR 20202 Resurrectionists: Open Graves (Nicodem) PLASTIC BOX Set ~ FEB 28 $40.00
WYR 20203 Resurrectionists: Body of Evidence (McMourning Crew) PLASTIC BOX Set ~ FEB 28 $45.00
WYR 20208 Resurrectionists: Nurse PLASTIC BOX ~ FEB 28 $15.00