First Look Review: X-Wing’s New Imperial Veterans Set

By Rob Baer | June 24th, 2016 | Categories: Product Review, Videos, X-Wing 2.0

swx52_preview1 imperial veterans

It’s finally here, depending on where you live in the world you may already have the latest expansion for X-wing miniatures: the Imperial Veterans. Come see our unboxing!

Just like Imperial Aces, now the Empire has gotten it’s second updated two pack set for X-Wing Miniatures!

Via Fantasy Flight Games


Plot your bombing runs, unleash torrential volleys of cannon fire, and rule the skies with Imperial might… Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the Imperial Veterans Expansion Pack for X-Wing!

Designed to maximize the impact of your TIE bombers and TIE defenders, the Imperial Veterans Expansion Pack introduces two new TIE miniatures with alternate paint schemes – one gray TIE bomber with the Gamma Squadron’s signature white stripe and one TIE defender with the bold red paint scheme shared by Countess Ryad and the Glaive Squadron.

Additionally, you’ll find eight veteran pilots and an impressive arsenal of thirteen upgrades that expand the capabilities and versatility of your TIE bomber and TIE defender. Finally, the Imperial Veterans Expansion Pack includes rules for the Tractor Beam that it shares in common with the Mist Hunter Expansion Pack from Wave VIII and a new mission, Disable the Relays, that highlights many of the new tricks and tactics that its ships, pilots, and upgrades add to your Imperial forces!

Unboxing X-Wing’s New Imperial Veterans Set