Product Review

Hey guys, Evan here from FTGT. The new Dark Eldar book is out, and while the internet rumbling seemed pretty negative and hopeless, I’m pretty excited about the new book.

Read More | October 7th, 2014

Depending on who you ask, this book was either a long time coming or way too soon. It seems to me that people who complain about the ladder may be scarred of a repeat of ye old Jaws of the World Wolf from days past, or worried about psychic negation bubbles.

Read More | August 10th, 2014

The rumors are true guys, we have a new Chariot Lord model. This time however he’s not a robot! Actually there are few characters in the 40k universe that I would suspect are secretly robots, but Logan Grimnar is not one of them.

Read More | August 9th, 2014