Time to rejoice? The wait is over, 7th Edition is HERE! Not even two years has passed since we were graced with 6th Edition 40k, but now we have what many hope is a more balanced rules set. Only time, will tell I supposed. But for now checkout our first look video review of the […]
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Buckle-up guys, the latest White Dwarf was packed with a ton of new 7th Edition Spoilers! Nearly the whole magazine was stuffed with new info and even a quasi battle report for the latest Edition debuting this Saturday May 24th. This issue was a normal release of about 32 pages, (for $4) and was almost […]
Read MoreBuckle-up guys, the latest White Dwarf was packed with a ton of new 7th Edition Spoilers! Nearly the whole magazine was stuffed with new info and even a quasi battle report for the latest Edition debuting this Saturday May 24th. But that probably pales in compassion to the incoming flood of information, as this week […]
Read MoreThe spoilers were true, Battle Forge and Unbound 40k are heading our way soon!Besides the big two page spoiler spread, this issue was jam packed with other hobby consent and is by far one of the best White Dwarf issues published in awhile. As of right now each issue runs about 32 pages, and has […]
Read MoreMay we live in exciting times indeed, as it looks like 7th Edition 40k is heading our way in just a few short weeks. Checkout our first look video review of the new White Dwarf with guest commentator Knight 12, and stop back by on Monday for our full 7th Edition 40k break down! -MBG
Read MoreHey all! I have been meaning to post this for a while. Those in the know have noticed a long time ago that 75% of the thousands of models I have painted have been on bases from Jeff at Dragon Forge. I thought it was about time I sat down and wrote a proper article […]
Read MoreWell the cat is out of the bag now, and this month Fantasy and 40k players both got something they wanted.This months White Dwarf came with a centerfold poster with the ominous date of 5/24/2014 printed on it, which may or may not indicate a new edition/ update to Warhammer 40k. It also contained a […]
Read MoreForgive me, but I think I saved the best new Citadel Tool review for last (I really wanted to see if the new clippers lived up to the hype). Trust me I want to buy new tools, I really do. Nothing is more helpful in this hobby (or any hobby/job) that having the right tools […]
Read MoreSo what do you think about the new Citadel Tools everyone seems to be talking about? Personally I’m very torn on what to think about them, they seem to be pretty handy. The price however seems to be a huge turnoff for most.When I started this review, I had no idea it would turn out […]
Read More“Are they made of gold?” – was the first comment I heard when the new Citadel Tools debuted last week. Clearly something was amiss and as it turned out the MSRP on the new Citadel tools is indeed the highest in the miniature industry, but no that doesn’t necessarily mean they are made of gold. […]
Read MoreNoble denizens of the deep forest rejoice for your army’s time is nigh.The forest stirs, and this month’s White Dwarf previews the new Wood Elf models, and Army book at long last. Once again the “first” magazine of the month is bursting with content and previews, much unlike the previous issue. That fact aside this […]
Read MoreWhiskey, Tango, Foxtrot, where did these tools come from? Seemingly out of no where Games Workshop dropped a hobby bomb(shell) on us and it seems next weeks new releases are a revamp to their already successful line of hobby tools. Gone is the Paint Station and rubberized grip tools line, in is something that looks […]
Read MoreLupercal, Lupercal! After 25 years, The Warmaster has arrived! Horus Lupercal, Archtraitor, Warmaster, Favored Son, all of these terms barely scratch the surface of describing one of the most iconic characters of Warhammer 40k. Now that the first official figure has been released, this larger than life legend shall continue on for a new generation […]
Read MoreEven the Space Marines need a base of their own.We just got the Castellum Stronghold painted up, right in time for Adepticon! It’s a really neat piece of terrain, and it fits right into a realm of board set up as well. It is however a bit of a bear to work with, so be […]
Read MoreWell I think the question still stands. Is the Astra Militarum the new Imperial Guard, and what the heck is a Tempestus?The new Weekly White Dwarf is here, and it may just be a case of “to be continued” if you’re looking for a solid answer to the mystery of the new Imperial Guard. But there is plenty […]
Read MoreApocalypse players rejoice, for we have some kick ass new rules for FOUR different 40k armies!Both Space Marine and Tau players got some great datasheets for Apocalypse games. Plus the Knight Titan got some loving too! So if you’re planning on playing the mythical Army of Five (Titans), or just want some more fluff on […]
Read MoreSo most of the rumors were true this week, 40k got two new terrain pieces!Yet another Weekly White Dwarf is here, and unfortunately it may have been the worst one yet. However, overall their track record still seems to be good so far. Not to mention the frenzy I’m sure we’ll see next week if the rumored […]
Read MoreCalling all Imperial Pilots, checkout your new rides!FFG just decided to release a small supply of the new Imperial Aces kit, and boy do they look good. Tons of tricks to be had with these new ships and upgrades! Press play on the video below for a sweet first look! Oh and if you missed […]
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