Have you seen the new kits yet? These things seem to be pretty interesting to say the least.The new Exocrine / Haruspex kit features a pretty modular design that allows for the whole head / weapon assembly of the Excocrine to be quick swapped with the huge Haruspex gaping maw. Which means that if you […]
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Tyranid players finally got their flyer, and what a beauty this thing is both rules and model wise.The apex predator of the skies, both kits have options for dealing with both air and ground targets (or prey) and seem to do both well. Did I mention they can both even regenerate as well? This is […]
Read MoreThe wait is over, Tyranids have arrived to devour the competition!Is this the codex you’ve been waiting for? Tyranids players know that this release ends the five years of praying for the hive mind to release a new set of rules upgrading their forces. But did that happen? Some say yes, some say no, but […]
Read MoreThe wait is over, Tyranids have arrived to devour the competition!Is this the codex you’ve been waiting for? Tyranids players know that this release ends the five years of praying for the hive mind to release a new set of rules for them. Checkout my first look video review on the new book! -MBG
Read MorePrimarch, warrior, madman, heretic. All of these accurately describe Angron, the primarch of the World Eaters Legion of Space Marines.Angron is easily the most characterful of the primarchs, and IMHO the right choice as the first release of the Primarch series from Forge World. The model features a sweet removable display base, and eviscerated legionnaire […]
Read MoreBehold “The Gorgon” Forgefather to the Iron Hands and many infamous weapons of the far future.Ferrus is easily the biggest of the primarch kits produced to date, and actually comes in TWO boxes. The model is very well detailed just like his brothers, and of course locks together with Fulgrim’s base to form a diorama […]
Read MoreSometimes seeing a model unpainted in person is better than seeing the finished product. Checkout the Castellum Stronghold! With the new Castellum Stronghold that may have definitely been the case. I knew as soon as I picked up the box Forge World shipped it to me in there was a problem, as quite a few pieces […]
Read MorePresents, again! I just found another little nugget languishing in the bottom of my videos folder from earlier in the year!So to the light of day with it! Please enjoy this recently resurfaced unboxing of the Land Raider Achilles variant! The Kit The Land Raider Achilles is available for 69 pounds (~$102) from Forge World. Originating in the […]
Read MoreThe newest Imperial Armor Book is HERE; Imperial Armor Two, War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes! Right on the heals of the controversial 40k Escalation supplement, this edition of Imperial Armor collects the rules and fluff for most of the popular Space Marines and Sisters of Battle Forge World kits. It was also the first […]
Read MoreYup that’s right if you’ve been a good loyalist Space Marine now you can get some neat little upgrades to use with your vehicles.Just published in the brand new Imperial Armor Two; War Machines of The Adeptus Astartes are two pages of new upgrades called Legacies of Glory. Now you can mark our your Space […]
Read MoreAt the top of the page it stands out like a neon billboard; the rules on these pages enable you to field a Lords of War unit as part of your Warhammer 40k Army. Not optional, not maybe, not play it if you want, not ask your opponent for permission, nope these are additional rules […]
Read MoreVortex, Destroyer, and Apocalyptic weapons oh my. Lords of War aren’t the only things that can spit hot fire! Stronghold Assault contains both new and existing rules for fielding fortifications in games of Warhammer 40k (and yes the Armor 15 Aquila Strongpoint is included for play in these games). The book itself was written by […]
Read MoreI found this little nugget languishing in the bottom of my videos folder earlier this month.So to the light of day with it! Please enjoy this recently resurfaced unboxing of Fulgrim the Illuminator, and be sure to check out the other videos I’ve done on all the new Primach models! The Kit Fulgrim is available for 55 […]
Read MoreWell if you were wondering why the new Forge World Imperial Armor reboot went from book one to three, here’s your answer; IA:2 War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes!True to the first two books of the Imperial Armor series which collected all the big stuff up to their publishing in the early 2000’s, this book collects […]
Read MoreBehold the unboxing of 40k’s Newest Battle Tank, the Sicaran from Forge World.The Sicaran is the first of a new line of battletanks produced by Forge World for games of both Horus Heresy, and Warhammer 40k. Recently an even more extreme tank hunting version was announced, and will be on the way soon. The base Sicaran tank has […]
Read MoreBlack Library just put out Clan Raukann the latest Space Marine Codex supplement and man we may have another meta breaker!Unlimited combi-meltas, Eternal warrior/ FNP wargear, dreadnoughts and techmarines for everyone, this book is sure to shake things up once again… -MBGBrotherChaplainGinn sent me this preview, and you know what I’ll be ordering tonight when I get home! March […]
Read MoreIt’s finally here! Checkout the unboxing of the Fire Raptor Gunship, Forge World’s newest flyer model.The Fire Raptor is the second Stormraven variant Forge World has released in two years, the first being the Storm Eagle (which you can checkout our review of HERE). This thing has been super anticipated since Forge World leaked previews of it […]
Read MoreWell Codex Inquisition came out over the weekend, and so far reviews seem to be mixed.Everyone seems to agree however that it didn’t have the ooomph to push it over the top into a must have supplement, but it does seem to have some neat stuff in it nonetheless. Featuring two generic Inquisitor HQ’s, Cotaez, […]
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