To be honest many of you have probably already heard of KR Multicase, but it seems like most people may be confused by it’s obviously different take on foam figure storage. Well KR Multicase is different, and sometimes different is good. KR bases their storage cases on the simple principle of redundant structural reinforcement. Figures are […]
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I just got done reading the big 400th issue of White Dwarf, that features all the new Tau models. Per usual there was little to be gleaned rules wise for the new book, but it did have plenty of content.I think the new Tau model designs are very forward thinking to say the least, and only […]
Read MoreThere is a new sheriff in town when it comes to miniatures, and their name is Kabuki.Kabuki Models has been quietly been making miniatures for the past few years, but have really be taking their offerings to the next level as of late with amazing quality resin casts. They have very wide range of miniatures from “Knights of Legend” […]
Read MoreThat’s right guys Fantasy Flight Games’ Warhammer 40k Version of it’s blockbuster “Talisman” Franchise is now here. It’s called Relic, and boy does it look good.We’ve been waiting for this since last August when FFG announced at GenCon that this project was on the way! “A Warp rift has erupted near the Antian Sector, and under its […]
Read MoreA few weeks ago I can across a great airbrushing channel on You Tube showcasing some amazingly easy to do airbrush weathering techniquesThe reason I really like OPN’s YouTube Channel is because IMHO he presents it a way that makes it easy for a layperson to understand, and follow along. Well recently he got a hold of […]
Read MoreLast month I wrote about getting my first batch of DreamForge-Games Kickstarter pledges! I wasn’t able to dive into all the new models that day, but I did manage to finally record a proper review for the Eisenkern Infantry Troopers that were released alongside their big brother the Leviathan Crusader “Titan“. The Eisenkern kits come in three varieties, […]
Read MoreBecause I am a creature of habit, let us continue on the reviews/previews of some more of the upcoming ships from the wonderful world of Star Wars X-Wing. Today let us head back to the hangers of the Rebel Alliance and look at the fastest ships they can let loose, the A-Wing. New Spikey Bits’ […]
Read MoreBig things come in small packages you could say, with the release of the new Hordes Gargantuans Rulebook!This book is stuffed cover to cover with amazing art, and great stories to inspire players to new heights of gaming with these HUGE figures. First off, the book itself is 156 pages long, and written by a […]
Read MorePrivateer Press’ most recent addition to their hobby line came to us in their P3 Primer, in both black and white. It’s a great addition to their extensive line of hobby products they already have available. I have been fortunate enough to get to try pretty much all of the hobby products they had, and […]
Read MoreThe wait is over, the new Daemon books are here! I had chance to really break down the Daemon Codex and Army Book over the weekend, and below is my initial review on book.First off, the 40k Codex itself is 104 pages long, and written by veteran game designer Phil Kelly. It’s the third hard-cover codex […]
Read MoreCheckout my spankin’ new video unboxings of the new Daemons models; Plague Drones, Throne Khorne, Herald of Nurgle, and Flaming Chariot of Tzeentch.There was a ton of rumors circulating about what exactly would be releasing and when (like plastic Greater Daemons), but now we finally have the new Daemon offerings. Once again Games Workshop seems to up the bar with every […]
Read MoreWell I’m back with what I hope is the anticipated Part II to my very first airbrushing tutorial video. A lot has happened since I put out part one about a month ago, so let’s get right to it. First off I would like to thank everyone that wrote in or commented about my first […]
Read MoreI just got done reading the eagerly anticipated March White Dwarf that features the new Daemon models, and while it seemed a little lackluster to me content-wise there was a ton of rules for the Daemon hidden about in the issue.Once again from the onset there seemed to be a lot of hate for the new model […]
Read MoreRecently I got a large package of goodies in the mail from DreamForge-Games which contained my first batch of Kickstarter pledges! I wasn’t able to dive into all the new models that day, but I did manage to finally record a proper review for you guys over the weekend. So far I am very impressed […]
Read MoreCheckout my spankin’ new video unboxings of the newest bad guys on the Fantasy block, the Warriors of Chaos; Forsaken, Chariot, Slaughterbrute, and Plastic Dragon Ogres kits!Games Workshop seems to up the bar with every new multi-part plastic kit they release, and the new Warriors of Chaos models are no different IMHO. Sure there are […]
Read MoreI was able to skim over the new Warriors of Chaos Army Book this weekend, and I have to say one thing, I didn’t even care about the rules after a certain point, the art was just amazing.First off, the book itself is 96 pages long, and written by Robin Cruddace. It is also the […]
Read MoreThe word has just gone out, the new Plastic Titan Leviathan Model and support Eisenkern troops have arrived at the DreamForge-Games warehouse and are in the process of being sent out to all the Kick Starter Pledges!The good news is that if you happen to want more minis, or didn’t pledge this great Kickstarter you can pre-order […]
Read MoreI just got done reading the new February White Dwarf featuring the new Warriors of Chaos Models.I have to admit while a Fantasy release was quite a surprise based on all the rumors running rampant towards the end of last month, that system is still very deserving a new book and models.This month’s White Dwarf featured most of the […]
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