To hell with your fluff, tell me a story with your miniatures. Let’s face it, fluff is huge part of the draw to a game and should not be underestimated; when it comes time to play a game, what is more important the fluff or the visually striking miniatures that grace the gaming table.There is […]
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With the new Knowledge of these babies being released in March now and Fantasy Flight’s preview already out, I figure now is a good time to talk about this lovely little ship. New Spikey Bits’ Writer Super Kaiju wrote this sweet article on the famous ship for us today. I was lucky enough to get my hands […]
Read MoreCheckout these sweet detailed instructional diagrams (or schematics) of all the new Dream-Forge Games’ Kickstarter products.Now that I’ve seen most of the product shots, I’m stoked to see how these things go together. Is it just me or are these some of the best look instruction manuals in the business? Still can NOT wait to get my hands on […]
Read MoreI haven’t seen a revolution in miniatures painting like this since the early 2000’s when Vallejo came along an made us all realize that there were better paints out there than just Citadel. Heck, for me, this even blows away the introduction of washes by GW in early 2007 (Well mostly because I was already making my […]
Read MoreCheckout my spankin’ new video unboxing / review of the hottest thing on with four engines; the Dark Angels Ravenwing Vengeance Speeder.This kit is pretty neat for all the bits and it’s in game abilities! For now press play below and see what everyone will be talking about!
Read MoreWell I had a chance to really sit down with the new Dark Angels Codex over the last few days, and get a real feel for the new book, its’ format, and the army itself.First off, the book itself is 105 pages long, and written by Jeremy Vetock. To me, this thing is pretty well […]
Read MoreCheckout my spankin’ new video unboxing / review of the hottest thing on two wheels; the Dark Angels Ravenwing Command Squad. This kit, just like the Deathwing Command, is a real winner- more on that later. For now press play below and see what everyone will be talking about!
Read MoreCheckout my spankin’ new video unboxing / review of the newest flyer to take to the skies; the Dark Angels Dark Talon Fighter.This kit, just like the Deathwing Command, is a real winner- more on that later. For now press play below and see what everyone will be talking about!
Read MoreCheckout my spankin’ new video unboxing / review of the newest Dark Angels Kit, the Deathwing Command / Knights.This kit is a real winner, more on that later. For now press play below and see what everyone will be talking about!
Read MoreIt’s official as of this quarter X-wing is the #2 selling Tabletop Wargame out there, which is pretty amazing for a game less than a year old! So, let’s start talking Star Wars! Hold up, don’t grab your torches and pitchforks just yet, we aren’t talking about those movies that ‘destroyed’ your childhood. Today we’re talking about the […]
Read MoreI just got done reading the eagerly anticipated January White Dwarf that features the new Dark Angels models. I have to admit there was a lot of hate for them when they were leaked a few weeks ago, but after seeing them in print I don’t think they look that bad after all IMHO.This month’s White […]
Read MoreEver wonder what airbrush I used to paint all the models in my project albums? Well look no further, the future of your painting hobby may lie with this unique airbrush simply called a Grex. My buddy Alec did a great write up on these guys recently at Feast of Blades (which I copied below), […]
Read MoreCheckout the design come to life Ada figure! This was another Dream-Forge Games’ Kickstarter, bonus figure that just got the plastic loving treatment.You can use her as a sergeant in their Stormtrooper squads, or as a stand alone “assassin” perhaps or more! More From Dream-Forge Games’ Kickstarter;The container will be arriving next week at WGF China […]
Read MoreCheckout the box design and packaging for the new Leviathan Crusader from Dream-Forge Games’ Kickstarter, that looks great!I think the box resembles a cross between the current Wargames Factory sets, and the old Confrontation boxed sets that contained those vacuum formed trays for their parts as well. From Dream-Forge Games’ Site This is a HUGE kit, the box […]
Read MoreToday’s article is a Two-Fer because not only is it a conversion post, but also a sweet first from Spikey Bits! So what does that mean exactly? Well let me paint you a picture; You’re playing your favorite army, and are in the middle of a “big” game. Suddenly you lose one of your armored vehicles, and after scrambling in […]
Read MoreCheck out this preview of the Eisenkern Kriegsmarines and their new APC the courtesy of DreamForge games. This thing is pretty awesome and reminds me of the futuristic “Aliens” ground transport, with a German WWII twist. Mark shares his inspiration for the vehicle which is used to transport his Eisenkren Kriegsmarines (one of which is […]
Read MoreWell the new White Dwarf hit over the weekend, and as expected it was all about the new Chaos Space Marine models, and the magazine’s new redesigned format. Wow what do you think about those Chaos Space Marines minis? Personally I’ve never seen so many hobbyist split about the look of a new models before. […]
Read MoreWow Forge World has really cranked it up a notch with all the new “Heresy” kits they just announced.Lets take a closer look at the Typhon Siege Tank, which seems to be a hybrid of a “Heresy” Land Raider and a Vindicator? This is a full resin kit as well, following in the footsteps of […]
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