It’s official, the new flyers are here! Checkout all the info after the jump!I just finished up reading June’s White Dwarf and I have to admit I’m pretty impressed with the “new” format- rules and content!!! Besides the rules for the new fliers, there were more very useful painting guides, and a sweet scenario on playing with […]
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Time for some Eldar loving! Sure in game they can’t even see in the dark, but man they have some hot looking vehicles!Today I’m unboxing the Forge World Eldar Lynx for you, and like I said, this thing is pretty sweet! Recently in conjunction with their Imperial Armor 11 “Doom of Mymera” book, Forge World put out this kit. It’s […]
Read MoreToday I’ve got another sweet Forge World unboxing video for you on Elspeth Von Draken on Carmine Dragon.Recently, Forge World put out this kit as a new release from their Warhammer Forge side of things, and it’s one of the better dragons I’ve seen in awhile. Even more recently, they followed this kit up another […]
Read MoreWelcome to a retro look at one of our first Forge World un-boxing articles.This is the Necron Tomb Stalker featuring many, many, of the same parts. It would definitely be nice to have a bunch of extras for conversions now that the new codex (and wave 2) is out. The Kit Necron Tomb Stalker is available for 38 […]
Read MoreToday I’ve got another sweet Forge World unboxing video for you on the Deimos Mark I Predator.Recently, Forge World put out this kit and to go along with all the Pre-Heresy style Marks of armor they have been releasing over the past few years. Even more recently, they followed this kit up with a Plasma […]
Read MoreThat’s right, Wave Two Necrons are upon us! Checkout my unboxing of the newest fast movers- the Tomb Blade Jetbikes!These guys come in the standard “squad box” size packaging just like a normal squad of Necrons, and feature three identical jetbike sprues. Don’t let the fact each sprue is the exact same fool you, they […]
Read MoreThat’s right, Wave Two Necrons are upon us! Checkout my unboxing of the newest pewter to plastic conversion, the Canoptek Spyder!This little guy comes in the small squad box packaging, but don’t let that beguile it’s importance- this kit is quite good! As you may know the Spyder model has been a “direct only” for […]
Read MoreThat’s right, Wave Two Necrons are upon us! Checkout my unboxing of the newest walker to stride onto the 40k scene, the Triarch Stalker!The stalker comes in the medium sized squad box, with a decal sheet and features three different sprues full of awesome conversion potential. It boasts three different main weapons, (that all mount […]
Read MoreWhile I’m not prepared to spit in the face of Games Workshop and players across the world by leaking actual pictures of the new Flyers, I did make a video on the newest flyer to date, the Storm Eagle Assault Gunship. Let’s pause on talking about the new Storm Eagle for just a second- I […]
Read MoreToday’s unboxing is on the new “Pre-Heresy” Style Rhino Mk1 from Forge World.Recently, Forge World put out this kit and to go along with all the Pre-Heresy style Marks of armor they have been releasing over the past few years. For us “old timers” this kit looks familiar to us because it’s styling is almost […]
Read MoreThey are coming! Checkout my review of the new content rich White Dwarf with the advance order Necrons!I just finished up reading the new White Dwarf and I have to admit I’m pretty impressed with the “new” format. I like the revised painting guides using the new citadel paints, and am so glad they have […]
Read MoreToday’s unboxing is on the new Reinforced Armor kit for the Rhino / Predator. A few months ago, around Christmas I think, Forge World put out this kit and no one really seemed to say much about it, until now. You may remember the old extra armor kits they had done before, which from what […]
Read MoreCheckout my unboxing of the new Empire War Altar!I cracked open all the new Empire kits recently and did video unboxings on them for all to see! I also filmed a nifty review of the New Citadel Paint Guide as well. You can check them out from their embedded links, or scroll though my YouTube […]
Read MoreWelcome to Flashback Fridays, where I dig deep for something cool that I have from back in the day. Which according to the comic Dane Cook was a Wednesday. You always hear the question: “How did you get into the hobby?”, and for me it was getting bored with assembling fighter jet models. I could never afford […]
Read MoreCheckout my Unboxing of the newest Empire kit for Warhammer Fantasy, Karl Franz on Griffon.I cracked open all the new Empire kits recently and did video unboxings on them for all to see! I also filmed a nifty review of the New Citadel Paint Guide as well. You can check them out from their embedded […]
Read MoreSo I went ahead and ordered one of these bad boys from Forge World, because of it’s new rules in Imperial Armor Apocalypse Second Edition making it legal for 40k.And because it’s now “40k Legal” I’m adding it to my Mechanicus themed Blood Angels (Iron Angels) that I made awhile back. Forge World being legal […]
Read MoreBaby Giffons?!! Demigryph Knights unboxing.I cracked open all the new Empire kits recently and did video unboxings on them for all to see! I also filmed a nifty review of the New Citadel Paint Guide as well. You can check them out from their embedded links, or scroll though my YouTube Channel for more! Want […]
Read MoreCheck out my video Unboxing of the new Empire Celestial Hurricanum!This kit comes with a ton of extra bits that would complement any sorcerous project you may have. I cracked open all the new Empire kits recently and did video unboxings on them for all to see! I also filmed a nifty review of the […]
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