Check out my quick little video review of the New Warhammer Fantasy Empire Army Book.It now comes standard in the full color Hard-Cover format, with tons of gorgeous art and a smell of rich mahogany and leather (minus the mahogany and leather). But it is a very nice looking book, and a great read. I […]
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It’s true, the new Citadel Paint line is here! If 145 new paints wasn’t enough for you to get excited about, Games Workshop also released a nifty how-to paint guide supplement, that does not suck. The Citadel How to Paint Guide plus DVD, (which is playing right now in the background as I type) is […]
Read MoreWelcome back to another week, and a very exciting Monday of oogling new minis!!! Let’s dive right in….First off, I just finished up a series of unboxing videos showcasing the new Space Wolves and Tyranids releases! In the videos I tried to show off all the relevant new bits, and give some ideas for alternate uses […]
Read MoreWelcome another Unboxing Forge World article. Our first few articles, went over pretty well, so we’re pushing ahead with more!This time we have, form the New Warhammer Forge, the Chaos TAMURKHAN ON TOAD DRAGON! This thing is pretty fricking huge, and the detail on it is insane. The Kit Chaos Tamurkhan on Toad Dragon available for 55 […]
Read MoreWelcome another Unboxing Forge World article. Our first few articles, went over pretty well, so we’re pushing ahead with more!This time we have, form the New Warhammer Forge, the Chaos Dwarf BALE TAURUS! This thing is pretty fricking huge, and the detail on it is insane. The Kit Chaos Dwarf Bale Taurus available for 55 pounds from Forge […]
Read MoreWelcome to our third Forge World un-boxing article. Our first few articles, went over pretty well, so we’re pushing ahead with more!This time we have, form the New Warhammer Forge, the Chaos Dwarf Death Shrieker Rocket Launcher! It features lots of little dudes, and very pointy parts- perfect for all flavors of Chaos. The Kit Death Shrieker Rocket Launcher available for […]
Read MoreWelcome to our second Forge World un-boxing article. Our first one, the Tau Manta, went over pretty well, so we’re going to do a few more and see how you all like them.This time we have the Necron Tomb Stalker, featuring many, many of the same part. It would definitely be nice to have a bunch […]
Read MoreEvery wonder what one of the most expensive kits Forge World makes looks like in real life?Me and Jkin were taking the other day about how cool it would be to have a Tau Manta, and then we wonder just how much work it would actually be to assemble, lol. So to the internet we went. […]
Read MoreI just found out today, that Games Workshop’s new product from October, Liquid Green stuff is now officially sold out. Apparently it sold better than they anticipated and they are waiting for more to be made.Hopefully the next batch will hit stores before Christmas for all of us good boys and girls, lol. I was […]
Read MoreWelcome to a guest post by TerranRaida. I asked him to do a review on the new Liquid Green Stuff, and he begrudgingly obliged me. You can catch up with this Master of the English Language over on his blog C.R.E.A.M (Change Rules Everything Around Me).Two days ago, bloodshot eyes at 2AM listening to Dr. Know and debating about what video to […]
Read MoreWell we’re back again with my review of the new Stormraven, which I found to be very innovative and daringly designed. Publishing note- this is the second post of this article due to some mis-communication I had to take it down the first time. Like it or love it the new kit is here. I […]
Read MoreHey guys, MEEKER here filling in for MBG, with my first post about a hot new game called MERCS! For those of you not it the know, MERCS is an incredible new tabletop miniature system. Games are action packed and can easily be completed in about 30 minutes. It’s an easy system to learn, set […]
Read MoreThis is a bit of a guest post by FTW Games regular Meeker. I may have browbeat the article out of him, but hey Dystopian wars is red hot right now and everyone wants to know more about it! Recently Meeker, like a lot of people around the shop, got into Dystopian Wars and are […]
Read MoreOne of the most highly requested model kits has now been released in plastic, and best of all you get three in one box! The new kit is by far superior to the old pewter ones. There is a ton of gubbins in the new box, along with alternate horn options for the Juggernauts as […]
Read MoreWell I’m back again, taking a break from playtesting and converting up my Waterbugz, to take a closer look at the new big nasty Trygon. I had the good fortune to purchase one from Forgewold a few years ago, but never got around to painting it. So now we can compare these two close up! […]
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