Prime Battle Walker: a Knight Titan for Under $50!

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After the recent Forge World price increases, here’s a cool miniature for under $50 that can be equipped just like a Knight Titan!

Has all the new releases left your wallet a little light, but you still want to get your Imperial Knight on? Don’t worry, Puppets War has the solution!

pupetswar titan knight Prime Battle Walker: a Knight Titan for Under $50!The new Prime Battle Walker, from Puppets War, has got some seriously amazing Hobby potential and I’m really excited to show you all the nitty-gritty details that make this new kit so special.

The Prime Battle Walker rumbles onto the scene.

Prime Battle Walker: a Knight Titan for Under $50!

When I got my hands on this a few years back I immediately started wondering how many of these kits I could fit into an Army and what models they could stand in for.

you haven’t heard of Puppets War, they’re from Poland and they have been making great resin miniatures for years. Not only are they amazing but their selection is huge and covers imperial armies, Chaos, Orks,Necrons, among others. So definitely check them out.

As for the meat and potatoes of this article, The Prime Battle Walker comes in three flavors. The key feature, at least to me, is that when assembled it’s exactly the same height as an Imperial Walker.

Each kit goes for about $40USD and there are some extra weapons including Claws, Autocannons, a Sword, Plasmagun, Gatling guns, LasCanons, Rockets, you name it.

Claws, Swords, Guns, Oh My

Magnets come with the kit

I’m really blown away by how well it goes together and all the little details. The Upper Chest/Shoulder section is really cool, it has a fully open cockpit and a bunch of different heads, including an option for a pilot, depending on what you want.

The head options are what really separate the different versions.

Details of Cockpit

At the bottom, there’s a round joint that slots into the lower chest section. On the back, you’ll notice some really great details, engines, exhausts, pipes, and just lots of really cool innovative styling’s.

You’ll also notice there are little holes in the carapace; this is where the magnets pop in so you can equip it with different weapons on the fly. It’s got a peg for support and another for the magnet to prevent it from going where you don’t want to go. The pin and magnet set up is a really great feature; which in my Hobby Maniac mind, makes this kit really innovative.

The slot and pin system for weapon options

Rocket launcher pin and magnet system.

Below the chest piece, there’s a waist which lets you position the chest independently left and right. The waist joint has a round bottom that slides into a hip joint, it’s a ball and socket system which lets you pivot up and down as well as left and right depending on what you want to do with it.

Space Marine next to Prime Walker chest

As with most resin mini’s you have to do some work to get everything to fit just right but that’s not unheard of for such a big kit. To give you a sense of scale, my chaos space marine buddy could easily pilot this thing, that’s how big it is.

The entire basic set

The legs themselves are the typical Warhound titan style leg, the top portion (femur) joints into the hip, the lower leg slots into it and then the feet. The feet aren’t hoofed but they are tau like. The whole leg system can move in a myriad of different positions from kneeling to standing.

The shoulders lock into the chest piece and the arms then socket into the shoulders, which give them their own range of motion. The upper arm slots into the lower arm The weapon options then pin/magnet into there. Again, Puppets War gave us pre-made holes to slot in magnets so that we can swap out weapons.

It comes stock with two different sets of hands, one under-slung style weapon holder with the hand wrapped around the grip as well as just an open hand.

The underslung weapon arm

There are several different head options, three Tau like heads, and then one that adds in a pilot and a canopy.

Boxy Head

Optimus Prime like head

Tau-Like head

The canopy is such that you could cut out the window area’s so you can see the guy inside ala Ripley in Aliens.

Pilot option slots into the normal head options.

Pilot underneath, Canopy sits on top.

For about 40-50 shipping bucks you have an amazing unit with tons of different options, looking incredibly unique on the table top, I really can’t say enough good things about this amazing kit.

The best part is, you can convert your money directly to Euros, no regional currency convenience changes added…

The Prime Battle Walker – Your Next Knight Titan?