Futureproof Your Terrain: Plastic Rampart Core Set Unboxing

By Andrew Schrank | October 30th, 2019 | Categories: Product Review, Terrain, Unboxing, Videos

Rampart Eternal Cathedral terrain plastic reviewYou won’t believe how much this new modular plastic terrain costs. Future proof your hobby table with Rampart Terrain!

Rob checked out and showed us all the Rampart Kickstarter about this time last year, and now those results are finally here! Affordable, plastic modular terrain that may just rival GW’s own!

Rampart Eternal Cathedral $69.00

rampart sprues

Right out of the gate we see an insane amount of sprues. The $70 set Rob got has 12 of these large sprues and 4 smaller sprues with optional pieces to add to the character of your builds.

Rampart close upAs we take a closer look at one of the sprues we really get of taste of how detailed this terrain is. The quality, without a doubt, is top-notch and may even surprise some people since it’s just terrain and not a model.

Jumping ahead a bit we can see the kit assembled. Each piece uses a peg system that easily clicks together reminiscent of Legos. It also extremely easy to magnetize as the peg holes match perfectly to the magnet sizes if you feel inclined to do so. Big win there!

rampart exampleLast we get to see what a full board looks like! This kit is GREAT for Kill Team or Warcry, but they do offer larger kits if you want to build out a full-scale table!

Check it out for yourself, press play on our review below! You can get your own terrain set on the Rampart site as well!

Product provided for promotion & review