REVIEW- The First Commercial 4×6 Tabletop Gaming Table?

By Zeb Barrett | November 16th, 2016 | Categories: Product Review, Videos

portable gaming table

Join us as we take a look at a very close look at a portable gaming table from Gamemat.eu to see how just how good it really is!

Today we are going to take a look at the portable gaming table from Gamemat.eu and see if it’s right for you.

portable gaming tableIf you don’t have the room for a permanent gaming table then this 4×6 portable gaming table may be perfect for you. It is pretty light and can be moved around with ease.

portable gaming table

It’s pretty light for a game table. Even a Robbie B can lift it!

portable gaming table

Opening the table up and setting up is extremely easy. First you just flips the locks holding the two pieces together. Then flip up the legs and pull them up until they lock in at the desired height. Before flipping the table over for use you should depress the locks on the sides so it doesn’t try to collapse while you try to flip it over.

portable gaming table

The table looks great all set up with your terrain and is ready ready for game time in just a few minutes.

Check out this full video review below to see everything we have to say about this unique new gaming table:

6’x4′ G-Board: Portable Gaming Area: $149

portable gaming table

Save 10% on G-Board and 10% on G-Mat! Play anywhere and anytime! We apologize Forges of Mars limited edition cannot be included in the deal.

Let us know choice of your mat in a order note.


– 6’x4′ portable gaming area

– folding into the compact case with handle

– unfolds in 3 easy steps

– height 75cm (2,6 feet)

– perfect for holding your battle mat, terrain and miniatures

– made of lightweight aluminum

– weight just 13kg



This is not standard table. Do not use as standard table. Maximum weight load up to 20kg. Do not use to sit your children or yourself on top. Should be used only for purpose of playing board games with miniatures, terrain and battle mat. Aluminum construction creates edging around playing area and middle frame of 1mm height (0.0393701 inch).

If you think this gaming table is right for your beats lab, then head over to Gamemat.eu and pick up one today! While you are over there make sure to check out all of their incredibly detailed mats as well.