Taste The Terrain-Bow! New Colored Basing Tufts


Bases are getting bigger and bigger everyday, come see a great line of colorful products that can help take your bases from ZERO to HERO!

Miniature bases over the years have definitely changed. I can remember some 30 years ago when most of us either painted the miniature base a certain color, such as green for grass, or dipped the base in saw dust or foam flocking to achieve some look of vegetation.  The picture below is of some figures I painted  between 1989-1990.


When I was about 15 (now 42) I first heard of static grass. I discovered this product when I went VLS, a then distributor for Verlinden hobbies. They produce military figures and products related to military modeling. Bob Letterman who is known for his master class diorama’s and figures introducded me to the product.  I never heard of it at the time and was blown away. Most of my friends were using products from Woodland Scenics for their flocking. In my opinion static grass took the bases to the next level! The problem though at the time was static grass was not cost effective for me.

As the evolution of basing techniques developed so did the products. Today you will find many different ways to spruce up your bases. This can range from playground sand, to aquarium rocks to basically anything you can find laying in your bits box.

About four years ago when trolling the net I came upon a product called Silfor tufts. These were clumps of static grass put together in sections that can be applied to bases and or terrain pieces. I might be wrong but I think the application was primarily designed for rail road modelers.

When the Silfor tufts hit the wargame scene things quickly changed. That product definitely got the attention it deserved. The problem in my opinion was the price for the tufts. I thought they were too expensive and the sizes of the tufts were not all uniform.

Other companies soon followed suit with creating their own line of tufts. Having owned several of those brands I still found the same issues. The sheats that came in the blisters were not all the same size of clumps, some very small and the price was a little high.

Gamer’s Grass in on the left hand side of this picture.

Fast forward to April 2015. I discovered Gamers Grass which is a company out of Portugal who make high quality tufts used for basing and terrain pieces. I ordered some through their website, paid the postage to get to the States and waited patiently for them to arrive.

Needless to say I was very impressed with their product. Each sheat that I ordered was covered in clumps of tufts that looked great and were ususable! I didnt have to take several clumps and piece them together to form one normal size. I wanted to order more but the downside was the shipping costs.

At the same time I opened my store, Kings Hobbies and Games. I didn’t want to be like all the other mega gaming stores. I wanted to offer unique products that are of high quality and offer products that I actually use. I soon spoke with the owner of Gamers Grass and started selling the tufts to gaming stores and studios all across the United States. Then I made the decision to become the United States distributor of Gamers Grass.

Gamers Grass can instanstly transform the look and feel of your miniature base. The product is simple to use and easy to apply. The picture below is of a 20mm Modern Ranger by Elhiem that I painted in Multi-Cam.  The tufts that are used are Mixed Green and Beige.

Gamers Grass comes in 10 different colors, meeting most if not all of your gaming landscape.


The most popular colors are Mixed Green, Moss, Beige, Light Green, Dry Tuft and Winter.

Here are some more examples of Gamers Grass in action.  I applied them to terrain pieces that I made.

Gamers Grass can be purchased here at Kings Hobbies and Games   I PROMISE that you will be happy with this product.  I would not put my companies name or my reputation at stake if I didn’t feel other wise.


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