Raging Heroes has the most over the top toughest girls in the Galaxy for sure. We take a look at the line and build some of the minis!
Raging Heroes is back with another showcase of brilliant miniatures! The Toughest Girls in the Galaxy is definitely a lineup of miniatures worth looking at. As an alternate set of miniatures for Sisters of Battle, you can’t go wrong with Raging Heroes.
These models continue to stun and delight tabletop hobby fans everywhere, so get yours today!
Each model that you get from Raging Heroes comes with multiple poses and gear load outs. The Jailbird Mecha is a great resin kit that comes in a nicely packaged box, to include a thank you note! The Jailbird Mecha is approximate to a Space Marine Dreadnought with its 50mm base. Its composition may be a little different from what you are used to, so keep that in mind.
Jailbird Mecha $37.25
When building this resin kit, it will need a lot of washing and a little hobbying. The detail is very well shown in the Mecha model. The different mech arms offer a variety of different poses, which adds a level of hobby coolness. Overall the model is fantastic, but it may have a different material feel to it.
As a character model for a Sisters of Battle army, the Ardanna model is beautiful. The ornate detail on the model look fabulous and add a feel of Gothic Renaissance. This model will take a little bit of time to assemble but the process is worth the effort.
Ardanna, Pillar of Faith $20.35

Raging Heroes has a fantastic lineup of miniatures, but keep in mind that their plastic and resin may be a little different than what you have seen from other hobby companies.
Check them out below in our unbox and build video, and be sure to visit Raging Heroes today!
Models provided for Promotion & Review.