The Chaos Miniatures You’ve Been Waiting For?

khorne cultist

If you’ve been looking for affordable cool looking alternate miniatures to use as Chaos Renegade models, your search may be over!

Welcome back 40k Fanatics! Today Rob is unboxing some fantastic alternate Renegade Guardsmen models from Vanguard Miniatures!

These great alternative renegade Guardsmen from Vanguard Miniatures are called Tainted Novans.  The detail on these miniatures is great, and they come with all sorts of cool Chaos styled weaponry and armor!

Renegade parts

The Tainted Novan command pack contains Plasmagun and Meltagun equivalents, along with an officer with power fist and a Chaos Icon.  These guys are very reminiscent of the Blood Pact traitor guardsmen from the Gaunt’s Ghosts books.

Renegade Command

The Tainted Novan Heavy weapon team is a cross between the Death Corps of Krieg weapons and the Blood Pact.  Each of these heavy weapon teams comes with a variety of weapon options so they can be built as you need.

Renegade Heavy

You can pick up some of these awesome bad guys from the Vanguard Miniatures website.

Check out the whole unboxing by pressing play on our video below!