Mymearain Rules of Doom – Eldar Tips & Tactics

By Felix Fimbres | October 20th, 2016 | Categories: rules, Tactics, Videos, Warhammer 40k News


If you’re interested in some of the formations you might be seeing soon, or looking for a neat way to represent your own Eldar Craftworld, you’ve come to the right place!

Today, we’re opening up the Doom of Mymeria and diving in! From  war host formations to making your own Craftworld and traits which even work interchangeably with Codex Eldar Craftworld itself! If you’re not sure you want to buy this book or just interested in how this effects your book’s power creep, look no further!

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A lot of people got the corsairs models years ago, they’re fantastic! I think it’s great to see these rules for them. I know what you might be thining, Eldar are already powerful and this lends itself to the hate; but Forgeworld gave them  a great narrative rule set that’s fairly well balanced from what I can tell. Yes, there is a lot of OP stuff but 40k has never been balanced and probably never will.

Doom Of Mymeara 072

Something to note with all these formations is that these choices (core, auxiliary, et cetera), replace the units original unit type;  a fast attack taken in a Core Choice isn’t a fast attack, it’s a Core Choice. Keep that in mind.

The Pale Courts are Eldar jargon (special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand; oh, the literary irony!), for Craftworlds that are essentially successor chapters; they’re like the second string craft worlds. Thematically in order to survive they had to specialize and these rules help you represent that specialization on the table. However, it also restricts you to a certain build.

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A Pale Courts Battlehost lets you customize your Core Choice. The choices here are really spicy, and I go over a lot of them in specifics in the video. Know that you get up to two Craft World traits, for free; however, you can only include other Pale Courts Battlehost and not the other formation types, i.e Mymeria.

how to paint eldar harlequin

Pro-Tip: Keep in mind that there’s a lot of book keeping; having both paper books would definitely be useful for your own read through. Digital just aren’t as efficient and I experienced that first hand while making the video.

Options to include: Harlequin Troupes,  quick assault abilities, roll 2D6 when selecting War Lord traits (pick one). All these choices are  amazing for getting some great combos.

The Warlord traits are pretty solid. Key examples include:

– Being able to choose up to D3 units, gain scout, in the Army. Keyword: Army, which means anything you bring with you and not limited to your formation which is similar to what Eldrad has.

– Re-rolling saving throws of 1 for your Warlord is nice.

– Not having to take Guardians is another neat one.

Imperial Armour Doom of Mymeara

As for the formations, here a couple choice ones:

Lord of of Undying Host is a neat formation, which lets you roll 2D6 for traits  (see above) and it’s a Command Choice which lets you circumvent some restrictions.

Shadow Spectres Shrine (Aux): These guys are units which are similar to Warp Spiders, with great models; however, not as good as Warp Spiders in my opinion! Regardless, the formation here lets you manipulate their thrust move in the assault phase.

Khaine’s Hawk Squadron the F-14s of Eldar. This  lets you add ignore cover to one weapon per turn. Look out for this one!

Fist of Vaul, 2-3 Warp Hunters, love it. The key bonus is Warp Breach which  lets you link their blasts to form a 5 inch twin linked blast or a 7 inch blast. Remember you can give this scout and they come with two modes of fire. Really spicy.

Wasp Phalanx (Aux), 3-6 Cloud Breakers; when they arrive during deep strike they get to re-roll power field saves and all shooting weapons grants twin-linked and pinning (!!!)

Wraith Titans (Support choice), just when you thought you saw it all it all here comes this formation. Bring a Revenant Knight or a Phantom Titan and maybe 1-2 Wraith Knights. The spicy bit is that the Wraith Knights will intercept charge as long as the distance isn’t greater to the Knight itself. Which is basically super bubble wrap for your Revenant or Phantom. Granted, this is a super expensive formation so you’re probably not going to see this often.

Again, these are a just a few select ones, if you want to hear about all of them please go watch the video.