Are you playing these Warhammer 40k rules wrong? With all the changes there might be a bit of rules confusion over some newer points of the game.
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So, you like the idea of Plastic Sisters? Well, they already exist in 40k as Sisters of Silence! Here’s how they GW could make them useful in 8th Edition!
Read MoreHey Game Fans, we’re back to hopefully conclude our feature on the Abstract Aerospace Combat System for Alpha Strike. Today we’ll finish Air to Air Combat.
Read MoreHey Game Fans, we’re back with some more information on Abstract Aerospace Combat. Aerospace fighters add a certain level of complexity to Alpha Strike.
Read MoreWith everything that is changing about 8th Edition, why is charging still so random?
Read MoreHey Game Fans, we’re back with another rundown of the Special Abilities in Alpha Strike. These abilities are featured in the Alpha Strike Book, and are taken from the core rules of the game.
Read MoreA new winter game board is on the way for Blood Bowl and with it comes a separate set of Winter Weather rules! Check them out right here!
Read MoreIf you’re interested in some of the formations you might be seeing soon, or looking for a neat way to represent your own Eldar Craftworld, you’ve come to the right place!
Read MoreAre you a Kings of War Player? Are you an avid fan of History? Do you like the idea of fighting epic Anachronistic battles and “What If’s” on the tabletop? If so, KoW Historical is for you!
Read MoreTake a look the upcoming expansion pack hero rules and some new villains to expand your game:
Read MoreHas the new psychic powers made Space Marines so powerful that there are 4 new amazing ways to play them? Come see my ideas on how to ride them to the top!
Read MoreGet in here to see the new Marine psychic powers.
Read MoreSo there are some rumors floating around the internet of a possible 7th Ed release of CSM. Eventually they will be updated and I think we can all agree they need it. I would love to see ACTUAL chaos marines back on the table.
Read MoreSo the new Dark Eldar book seems to have been universally panned by the Internets, but is it possible that we’re just doing it wrong? Has something been staring us in the face this whole time and we just missed it?
Read MoreApocalypse players rejoice, for we have some kick ass new rules for FOUR different 40k armies!Checkout all the details below in our first look video, more to come on this great expansion for Apocalypse 40k!
Read MoreWhere do you stand? Checkout these interesting Imperial Knight rules conundrums! The first seemingly obvious question has to do with a previously obscure Universal Special Rule, but there are a few more small things that you may find perplexing as well when it comes to piloting a Knight Titan. Strikedown According to the Super Heavy […]
Read MoreCypher. His name is feared and reviled across the imperium. But he’s not the only fellow in town toting two guns anymore. Page 52, under PISTOL WEAPONS Models with 2 pistol weapons can fire up to both in the same shooting phase. This may not seen like a big deal at first, but when you […]
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