50% OFF Sale: Gargant Alternatives at Mierce Miniatures

mierece minis gargants mega alternativesMierce Miniatures has put almost their Gargant alternative models on sale at a whopping 50% OFF off! Worth a look if you don’t feel like spending a fortune.

With the Sons of Behemat getting released soon, but with a record setting price tag, it’s probably worthwhile to see what else is out there. Alternative minis can be a fun way to supplement your army and mix it up a little bit.

Mierce Miniatures has all kinds of giants available on their site and may be the minis you’ve been looking for. Plus for the most part, they have the height of the minis clearly listed.

They have a wide range of different gargantuan giants on their site but we’ll be picking out some of our favorites.

You can check out the site to see everything they have, but for now, let’s dive into the giants!

As a quick note, we will be showing the prices at the half-off sale price.

Gargant Alternatives – Bogogg, Moroghurüc: £ 44.99

Boggog Gargant Alternative This massive giant is super detailed and just very scary looking. Even though they don’t have the height, these do come with the same base size as the Mega-Gargants, so we imagine it’s awfully close in size. And at half price, they are really affordable comparatively. If you like what they are up to, check out what else they have going on!

Uuthüll, Risen Kraacken: £ 59.99

Uuthüll, Risen Kraacken Something about this one screams being a Kraken Eater Gargant, maybe it’s in the name… This one looks so cool and again has the same size base as the Mega-Gargants.

Ammon, Servile Liege of Dis: £ 54.99

Ammon, Servile Liege of Dis (1)This feral Giant is amazing looking and would make for the perfect ally of Chaos! That axe looks like it could sweep down entire units in one swing!

Mjagnir, Jötunn: £ 44.99

Mjagnir, JötunnThis could be our favorite of all the Giants! It has so much flavor and is really just is an awesome mini! This could make the perfect alternative for so many of the types of Meg-Gargants with just a few little changes.

Papworth the Pillager, Chaos Giant: £ 59.99

Papworth the Pillager, Chaos GiantIt’s hard to find a better chaos ally cooler than this guy! We also love the armored helmet and the chaosy stomach plate!

That does it for the previews, but they have all kinds of Giants on the site! If you’ve been looking for some alternative Gargant minis, you have to check them out!

Get Your Gargant Alternatives From Mierce Miniatures Here!