1 Week Left: Get a Ton of Fallout RPG Books & STLs Cheap on Humble Bundle

humble bundle fallout elder scrollsThere’s only one week left to get into the Fallout and Elder Scrolls RPGs with this Humble Bundle, and score a bunch of 3D STLs for miniatures!

Humble Bundle has another listing available for some solid RPG titles. There are different tiers, so you can pay what you feel obligated for the content. 

So don’t sit around and miss out if you want anything in the bundle, as you won’t find this kind of value again soon, and there is only one week left! This is the cheapest you’ll probably ever find, especially if you want to get into the game!

If you missed out on these amazing board game titles too for cheap, be sure to give them a look and pick them up, perhaps.

One Week Left For Elder Scrolls & Fallout RPG Books & STLs Cheap on Humble Bundle

Elder Scrolls Humble Bundle

Explore the realms of Tamriel, the Empire of the Isles, and the wastelands of America with this bundle of tabletop role-playing & war-gaming ebooks and 3D printables! This bundle featuring Bethesda’s popular fantasy and sci-fi universes features rulebooks and more resources for Fallout: The Roleplaying Game & Wasteland Warfare, The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms, and Dishonored, plus a cache of 3D print-at-home files to bring your wastelands and tombs to life. Experience your favorite universes in a whole new dimension, and help support International Rescue Committee with your purchase!

The last bundles we covered were for alternative 40k STL files, but they have a different RPG style this time! Here is everything available in the last bundle we featured on the STLs!

Now let’s check out the contents of the current 25-item bundle that can net you a $283 total value for just $18!

Pay Just $1

Elder Scrolls Humble Bundle 2The first level actually focuses on Fallout, but if you want to get into that game, this is a great way for only $1!

Pay $10+

Elder Scrolls Humble Bundle 3

The $10 level gets you files and books for both games, and you spend more than $10 on lunch, might as well jump into a new game!

Pay $18+

Elder Scrolls Humble Bundle 4This level gets you $283 in value! So you are basically never going to get a better deal on Fallout or Elder Scrolls books and STLs than this. You can’t beat this bundle whether you want to get into the game or expand your collection.

Click Here to Get The Fallout RPG Bundle Cheap

If the Humble Bundle isn’t your thing, Audible Premium Plus gives you free Black Library books with your monthly sub.

black library on sale

Click Here To Get Black Library Books Cheap on Audible!

If these releases don’t appeal to you, check out all these Warhammer 40k and AoS box sets and bundle deals that go for close to 40% off on eBay right now!

How much do you like this insanely cheap Humble Bundle for Elder Scrolls RPG books and STLs? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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