2 Limited-Edition Releases from HeresyLab

Heresylab feature rIf you love cool fantasy minis or dice, you have to check out these 2 limited-edition releases from HeresyLab. Don’t miss out!

Heresylab is just constantly pumping out the new stuff and It seems crazy just how much they are able to produce! They are definitely worth a look for some amazing alternative minis whether you play 40k, AoS, or any fantasy games.

You can either grab these as an add-on from their Kickstarter, which you can check out here or if you’re part of the Mordheim Facebook group. They will only be printing the exact number that is pre-ordered and then will never make more of them. So if you like the look, don’t sit idly by and let them go away! Let’s jump into it.

Facebook Exclusive Luthor 2.0: $8.50

Limited edition release heresylabThe mini is pretty sweet! And for the price, it’s hard to beat a limited edition mini. Again, you have two ways you can grab this, either through the new Kickstarter or by being a part of the Facebook group. So even if you don’t love Mordheim, you can still grab this by supporting their amazing Kickstarter. Let’s hear what they have to say about how it works:

We are manufacturing only the models sold, and no more additional ones will be made. This is a one-time chance to get it. 
Please note that any update on this specific model will be done on the above page, is your responsibility to follow the updates.
When checking out please select the Poste Priority option, our new courier. All orders are tracked and email notifications are sent on the shipping progress.

Exclusive Luthor Dice: $1.25

Limited edition release heresylab 2If you’re going to be playing with Luther, you might as well have the dice to go with him! You can grab these the same way as the actual mini. If you want to see what else they are up to, you can check them out here.

That does it for this one! Just some super fun limited-edition stuff!

Get Your Limited-Edition Releases from HeresyLab Here!