2 New Exclusive GW Miniatures Announced for Tournament Series

gw-tournaments-are-back2 new miniatures have been announced for the GW tournament series coming this fall across the US- check it out!

Warhammer Community just unveiled two new 40k miniatures along with the upcoming tournament schedule. If you want to grab the minis but don’t feel like playing in their tournament series, they will be available at other events as well and the Warhammer Store and Cafe in LA’s grand opening. Also, it seems like these will be available through 2022, but they don’t say how late into the year. 

Looks like Slaves to Darkness and Necrons will be getting the minis this time around, so if you play either faction, be sure to hit up at least one event! Or even if you don’t they always go for crazy numbers on the secondary market, so may be worth it either way.

2 New Exclusive GW Miniatures Announced for Tournament Series

new figures for gw eventsHolga Clovenhorn, Aspiring Champion of Chaos is going to be the model for the AoS side of things. It’s honestly a pretty cool mini, while the pose is static, the detail on the rest of it makes up for it. 

new figures for gw events 2Necron Lord Hasmoteph the Resplendent is going to fill the slot for 40k. Necrons have grabbed a lot of exclusives this year, so might as well pick up another one. The sculpt isn’t anything too special, but having exclusive minis is always a plus for any faction.

Upcoming Tournaments

upcoming GW tournamentsThe Warhammer 40,000 Grand Tournaments will have 256 player spots available and will use missions and rules from the most current Grand Tournament mission pack. After four rounds, all players will be bracketed into pods of 16 players with an equivalent record, ensuring the remaining rounds are played with their most closely matched opponents. Each tournament will include three rounds on Friday and three rounds on Saturday, with two bracketed Final Rounds on Sunday.

The Warhammer Age of Sigmar Grand Tournaments will have 128 player spots available, and will use missions, pairing, and scoring formats from the soon-to-be-released new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar! Each tournament will include three rounds on Saturday and three rounds on Sunday.

Each event will present two equal top awards – one for the player with the best overall record (any ties will be broken by the quality of their competitive performance), and the player with the best-combined paint and competitive score. Numerous other awards will be presented for categories such as army painting, bracket wins, and runner-up finishes.

There will be three major events with tickets going on sale on June 14th for all three events. So only a few weeks left now to decide which event you want to go to.

Event Dates

Tournament venue

  • Orlando 2021: 14th and 15th of August
  • New Orleans 2021: 2nd and 3rd of October
  • Austin 2021: 20th and 21st of November

Will you be attending any of the events? Are you excited about any of the new minis?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! You can also support us on Patreon and get ad-free access to the site, plus a ton of minis that helps support some of the best creators out there!