2 New Paints From Turbo Dork Rotate into Stock

new turbo dork paints featureThe 2 new paints from Turbo Dork are actually replacing Hot Commodity and Sea Food due to supply chain issues- check it out!

Turbo Dork paints are some of the wildest and best on the market today. There are a ton of paint companies out there, but none do it like them. Their paints are insanely high quality, and the Turboshift paints are just out of this world!

As we said, they are replacements, but the new colors are really amazing! We’ll look at their announcement about the paints rotating out and then the new paints.

2 New Paints From Turbo Dork Rotate into Stock

new turbo dork paints

Due to supply chain and production issues, Hot Commodity and Sea Food have gone away. However! It is not all bad news! We are replacing them immediately with two amazing new colors, Orange You Glad and Summoning Sickness. Both of these new colors are available to buy right now on our website, and are shipping to retailers later today!

Now, let’s see the new colors replacing the old line!

Orange You Glad: $6.30

Orange you Glad


Orange you Glad 2If you love what Turbo Dork is up to, check out what else they have been releasing! Here are the specs on this one:

Reach for Orange You Glad the next time you want to juice up a model. It is a bright yellow-orange, tending more to the orange side of yellow. It can be used over any undercoat color but shows up best over white or orange.

Summoning Sickness: $6.30

summoning sickness


summoning sickness 2Here are the specs on this one:

  • A beautiful putrid green dedicated to the plague gods. Bring forth their wrath upon your paint scheme.
  • The paint is a bright green-gold color over a white primer but is a slightly darker green over black as illustrated in the example photos.

That does it for this one; now go get some new colors!

Get Your New Turbo Dork Paint Colors Here!