GW released an FAQ for two AoS factions today, the Kharadron Overlords and Seraphon, fixing some stuff from January check out what’s changing!
They didn’t really put out much fanfare with these FAQs, probably because they are fairly small. But still, it’s good to know what’s changing with your favorite factions. If you play either the Kharadron Overlords or Seraphon, you can grab the FAQs here. But we’ll have all the highlights below so don’t worry.
While everyone was hoping for more points in the January FAQ, it looks like we’ll still have to wait on those. So if you’re just hunting for those points changes, looks like you’ll have to keep waiting.
2 New FAQ Arrive For Age of Sigmar
These are changes to the January FAQ so all the changes will be in magenta so you can quickly see what’s changing. Let’s get into it!
This is just a heads up more than anything, as nothing big has changed. Just about the Bind Endless Spell. It changes the second sentence wording to make it a little more understandable. Again, nothing big but if you play Seraphon, you should know it’s out there! They also put all the points in at the bottom, but they are all the same as before. No magenta there unfortunately
Kharadron Overlords
They had one of the smallest updates, to begin with, and there is just another single change here. Basically, it’s a single sentence change for the Emergency Venplates. So nothing too big, and just like with the Seraphon FAQ, their points are in there but they haven’t changed. Maybe one day we’ll get those points changes!
When do you think they will actually break out the new points? Do you play either of these factions?
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