2023 40k Kill Team Open Tickets are on Sale Now!

Kill Team open 2023 2The 40k Kill Team Open 2023 will take place in Baltimore in February, with even more happening than last year- check it out!

The event will have all kinds of awesome stuff happening and not just a tournament. They will have a narrative campaign, painting classes, basing classes, a painting competition, and even an after-dark late tournament!

So plenty to keep you occupied even if you don’t play the main tournament.

This is the second year of the tournament, and they have really upped the accommodations with a new venue, the historic Overhills Mansion run by White House Caterers. So, if you want a great place to play Kill Team, this looks to be the place!

The 40k Kill Team Open 2023 Tickets are on Sale!

Kill Team open 2023

The world’s largest Kill Team event created by Kill Teamers for Kill Teamers.

Kill Team Open is an epic collaboration between Basement War Gamers’ Kill Team Jawn, Kill Team Stream, Plasma Spam, and the Listening to Paint Dry Podcast. An extraordinary display of appreciation to the entire Kill Team community, our main goal is to shine a spotlight on the amazing game of Kill Team with multiple formats and events, workshops, classes, prizes, raffles, and vendors all brought together around one of the largest and most ambitious Kill Team tournaments ever conceived. This year our competitive tournament will be 100 players, with an additional 32 player narrative event hosted by Battle Brothers Tabletop.

The event last year was awesome, so we expect this year to be no different! Well, from the sounds of it, they have actually improved on things, so just awesome to see. If you want to play a great Kill Team event, this is the one to go to!

Championship Tickets:

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Max players: 100
4 Round Swiss February 18th, 2023 9:00AM – 6:00PM
4 Round Pods February 19th, 2023 9:00AM – 6:00PM

Who’s the best? Come and test your mettle against 99 other players in our unique 2-day pod-style championship tournament. Players will compete head-to-head in a 100-person Swiss-style tournament on day 1. Players will then be broken down into pods of 10 on day 2 and then compete for best in your pod. Everyone will be able to play 2 full days of epic competitive kill team matches!

Kill Team Championships tickets include a specially catered meal on Saturday.

Kill Team Narrative:

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Inquisitor Rhiannon Valdaenov of the Ordo Malleus and her ship, “Fury of Providence” traveled to the far reaches of the Orpheus sector to purge the planet Belenthax Prime of a daemonic cult seven solar years ago. Inquisitor Valdaenov was never heard from again, and the entire sector is now missing from the most recent starmaps.

A distress signal has been picked up coming from an undocumented Space Hulk in the vicinity of Belenthax Prime… who knows what horrors or treasures lie within? Are you brave enough to enter the Void?

An incredible Kill Team Narrative event hosted by Battle Brothers Tabletop’s very own Ben Campbell. Get engrossed in an incredible two day narrative experience like no other!

Kill Team After Dark:

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Max players: 100
February 18th, 2023 8:00 PM – 12:00 AM

Kick back and relax After Dark with some casual Kill Team action. Hang out with some friends, grab a drink, and enjoy the wild party games and fun scenarios.

On top of this, they have a bunch of great painting classes, VIP packages, and so much more! Plus, you could always just get a general admission ticket to check out all the action!

Click Here to Get Your Tickets!

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