3 Days Left: Bushfire Fundraiser From Victoria Miniatures

Bushfire VCome see how the amazing people at Victoria Miniatures are rallying the hobby community as a force for good to help our friends down under!

Anyone who follows current events knows that our friends down under are in a pretty rough spot right now with massive fires raging across the continent. The team at Victoria Miniatures has offered the hobby community a great way to reach out a helping hand to our friends in need. Let’s let her explain.

Via: Victoria Miniatures

Bushfire Fundraiser By Victoria Miniatures:

Hello hobby friends,

Most of you will be aware of the tragic bush fire crisis ongoing in Australia. I thank those of you who have checked in to see if we are ok at Victoria Miniatures. We are located in the southern metropolitan suburbs of Adelaide, so aside from smoke, we are not directly affected.

RSCPCAHowever, my home state of South Australia has been impacted. At the time of writing, the worst of it is on Kangaroo Island. In addition to the tragic loss of homes and human life, the devastation of pristine wilderness, unique native animals, farm and livestock is utterly overwhelming.

Therefore, I am seeking to do what I can to raise funds for the South Australian RSPCA (Royal Society for the Protection of Animals). 

Bushfire FundraiserFor every Kangaroo APC kit sold during January, Victoria Miniatures, in conjunction with our resin caster’s at Trench Worx will donate $50.00 USD (around $73.00 AUD) to the RSPCA.

Bushfire Fundraiser

Each Kangaroo APC sold during this period will also include a free pre-release Hedgerow Cutter. A kangaroo purchase will also qualify for a free miniature of the month of your choice.

If you would prefer to donate directly to an Australian Bush Fire charity of your choice, here are some helpful links. Every little bit counts.

Thank you, V

RSPCADirect Charity Links:

Free Shipping.

Don’t forget that Victoria Miniatures offers Free Shipping Worldwide, on any order over $100 USD.


Free Miniature of the Month.
For every $50 USD you spend, you get to choose a freebie from our collection of 12  Free Minis of the Month. Only while stocks last.

Cheers, V

Latest Update:

Bushfire VVictoria Miniatures Bushfire Fundraiser Update Jan 28th.

We are nearing the end of our fundraiser, and my goodness, its been an amazing ride. Only 4 days to go!
We will finish it as planned, midnight Friday January 31st PDT (6pm Sat 1st AEDT).
So far, your amazing support has raised over $17,000 USD ($25,000 AUD). Today I transferred another installment of $5000 AUD to the RSPCA South Australia. The total donations transferred, currently stands at $25,000 AUD.

RspcaI am just blown away with the response. Thank you so much, to everyone who has participated, shared or made their own donations. It means more than you know.
We are working hard to dispatch orders as fast as we can, but there will be some delays, as the response has been so huge.

Thank you.


VM Victoria Miniatures logo

Let’s help Victoria Miniatures show the world why the hobby community is one of the most caring groups of people on the globe. Make sure you visit Victoria Miniatures and secure your minis for this great cause. OR visit one of the direct charity links above and see how you can help today!