4 New Age of Sigmar Battalions REVEALED

By Rob Baer | December 7th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

sigmar age of quest-for-ghal-maraz-close-up aos

Checkout four new battalions for Age of Sigmar that come inside this holiday’s battleforce bundles deals! Don’t miss this!

Big deals are coming along with the new supplement itself. Here’s what we’ll be seeing just before the holidays!


Contents breakdown, and values for each $170 box.

  • Stormcast – celestant prime, knight azyros, dracoth riders, 10 liberators. $343
  • Slyvaneth – drycha, treelord 6 kurnoth hunters, 10 tree revenants. $311
  • Ironjawz – megaboss, shaman, 10 brutes, 3 goregruntas, giant. $305.75
  • Khorne bloodbound- skar, 3 juggers, blood warriors, bloodreavers, wrathmongers. $287

And here are the four new formations that are in each of the above box sets courtesy of Scanner:
unnamed-3 unnamed-4 unnamed-5 unnamed-6

Overall this seems like another indicator that times are a changing at Games Workshop in 2016, and I for one am ready to welcome our new Hobby Overlords in 2017!


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