4 New GW New Preview Models Teased Already!

new gw previews adepticon LVO nova openNew releases for days! GW put out 4 more teasers for upcoming model releases and the Lords of the Mortal Realms online preview this weekend!

Warhammer Community just let us in on the Direchasm roadmap update including a new Direchasm figure preview. Warhammer Community’s Twitter also put out a teaser for the upcoming Saturday preview Lords of the Mortal Realms.  Let’s check out what GW is planning for this week and beyond.

GW Preview: Lords of the Mortal Realms

week of warhammer feb 15th

Be sure to check back on Saturday at 8:45 EST at the Warhammer twitch channelin order to see the newest teasers when they drop as well, but for now, you can go over all the latest previews and even some rumor engines to get your mind going on the possibilities. If you can’t make it, we will also cover all of the announcements right here, after they drop! But if you’re not in ith USA, check out all the times to watch below:

Lords of the mortal Realm 3If you don’t feel like waiting to look at sweet minis, here are the latest previews from GW:

What it’s Focusing on

Lords of the mortal RealmWell, if you like any of the fantasy-styled games, you’re in luck! Even if you don’t, you can always check back to see the new minis on the way. With the Dark Eldar getting the next release for 40k, all you 40k players will probably have to wait two more weeks for some new stuff.

Lords of the mortal Realm 2These are the three teased minis they showed today.  Our guess is one mini is for each game in the preview. The one on the right looks like it could be another Vampire for Cursed city.

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The one in the middle is probably part of the new Warhammer Underworlds Warband coming in May/June which looks to be very Chaos-y. Lastly, the mini on the left looks like it could be something for the Legions of Nagash who are getting a revamp along with the Lumineth Realm Lords.

Warhammer Community Twitter Teasers

whc twitter teaserOn February 15th, Warhammer Communities Twitter put out this reminder for the online preview which is also an inconspicuous teaser. If we had to take a bet, this model looks most likely to be a Skeleton/Legions of Nagash Model.

The skulls in the background might be adding to that guess or maybe the desire to see the necromancer models finally updated? Maybe this is a model coming to join the ranks of the newest teased faction, the Soulblight Vampires. Either way, the model itself does look like a potentially dope addition to either lineup, but the only way to know for sure is to check out the news after the preview shows it off.

whc twitter teaser 4 daysWith 4 days remaining Warhammer Community’s Twitter put out another teaser and a much harder place one at that. The background is strikingly familiar to the new Cursed City content’s backgrounds. However other than that, we know it’s probably a villain, but not what villain. Does it look like it is wearing a pelt or some sort but is it a skeleton, vampire, or human?

Good thing the answer is in a few days!

New Direchasm Roadmap & Orruk Warband Preview

We have actually seen one of the other members of the Orruk Direchasm Warband previously, so let’s check him out then go over the new addition.

New Savage Orruk

Honestly, the Savage Orruks were some of the coolest minis when they came out, but it’s been many years now and they’ve fallen behind somewhat. So, it’s super nice to see them get an update, even if it is just a few guys! But, we’ve seen them release something like this before they do a rework to the whole line. While we know this is for Direchasm now, who knows, maybe Orruks and Orks will line up with releases and we’ll just get an entire month of Orky goodness in the future!

Now the new model follows much of the same savage vibes.

Hedkrakka’s Madmob previewWe’ll be showing off Hedkrakka’s Madmob in full during our next Warhammer Preview Online on Saturday. To get the shout of Waaagh! up to full volume by the weekend, we’re showing off another member of the Savage Orruk warband.

Now Orruks tend to be a somewhat elite faction in AoS, however, that’s their fully armored counterparts. This Warband might be upwards of 6 members, but most likely will sit around 5. It’s also nice knowing now that we will get to see the Warband in its entirety before too long, this Saturday.

Direchasm RoadmapThe Roadmap for Direchasm was also just updated. That means we’ve got another shadowy Figure and logo to decipher. The figure is pretty much 99.99% an Ossiarch Bonereaper, which also looks like will have a previous rumor engine bit for its weapon. Maybe the scale for the photo is weird, but it also looks pretty big! Maybe it will be an elite Warband just like the faction’s lore.

As for the new logo, our first guess is going to be Idoneth Deepkin. The crown on top looks like royalty, and who is more royal than Aelves? The S for Slimy, Slithering, Sea Snakes, also seems to be a heavy reminder that our favorite Water-Aelves haven’t gotten a Warband yet…

What do you think about online previews? What do you think the teased minis are? What do you think about the new Direchasm Roadmap?

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