4 Things We Want to Know About the New Lord Kroak Kit

lord croak new 2021With the revamp of the classic model announced, here’s what we would love to see with the new Lord Kroak kit- check it out!

The new kit looks pretty sweet and will be so much more imposing than the original one. Not to mention it’s no longer going to be finecast, so that’s just something nice for all Seraphon players out there.

So, let’s jump into everything we want to see in the new kit!

4 Things We Want to Know About the New Lord Kroak Kit

Lord Kroak 3The new model is definitely looking amazing! If you want to see more about the initial reveal, you can check that out here. But for now, let’s take a closer look at Lord Kroak.


We knew it would be big, and before we could bust out Photoshop and try to CSI the details, someone else has already done it better!


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Make sure you click the right arrow to see how he may stack up to the likes of a Mega Gargant, and Be’lakor himself.

Removable Armor

Lord Kroak 2Let’s start off with an easy one because we already know it’s happening! While the helmeted head is petty sweet, when you’re paying the high cost of these new kits, you want more options. Not only is it fun to have more options, but it also leaves the door open for this to be a kit to be for a regular Slaan as well.

Speaking of which…

A Slaan Kit

Lord KroakWe’re pretty sure they would also have to come out with a Slaan that is part of this kit as well. It would really make no sense for them to make this great new kit, with all the ornamentation and platform, then not make the Slaan mini, considering it’s just the body that would have to be different.

We could even see this set make both, where they give you two different body options in there (looking at you Greater Daemons, and Be’lakor). We aren’t banking on it, but it would give you much more value because you could build both bodies, not glue them down, and then choose which mini you want to play with each. So with that in mind, and the fact GW likes to sell as many kits as possible, we’re not super hopeful, but it could happen!

Comparing it to the Old One

lord kroakThe funny thing is, they are really not changing up the body much. Basically, they just revamped the mask a little and kept the same mummified body, but that was always pretty cool anyway, so no real complaints there. When you look at the dais, it’s just so much better in basically every way.

From the new giant back piece to the attendants to the random flying pieces, this will be very imposing on the battlefield. We said it before, but we’ll say it again, let’s hope this doesn’t turn into the Silent King when building it, there are not a ton of connection points for how big everything is!

Rules Coming in Kragnos?

dragon ogre shaggothLord Kroaks reveal actually didn’t mention he would have his own Broken Realms book, so it’s likely that the Seraphon may see more of an update in BR: Kragnos.

With them getting more new rules (than just a Battalion in BR: Be’lakor) at some point, hopefully, they get something like a new warscroll for Lord Kroak and the Slaan. We don’t really know much more than that for now about the rules, but we’re sure they’ll make him strong to get those new minis off the shelves!

Are you excited for Lord Kroak to get an update? Will you be picking him up?

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