New Sisters of Battle 40k Rules: Stratagems, Traits, & Relics

codex-sisters-of-battle-adepta-soritas-title-rules-40k-2Here are all the new Adepta Sororitas Stratagems, Traits, and Relics 40k rules from their new Sisters of Battle codex book!

Tons of rule previews have been coming out for a while over on Warhammer Community, and now all of these rules can be found in the latest codex reviews on YouTube as well.

If you missed any of our previous posts, can check out all the new Sisters of Battle rules from our articles below:

All The New Sisters of Battle Stratagems, Traits, & Relics: 40k Rules

sisters codex

Sisters of Battle 9th Edition 40k Release Lineup & Pricing

40k Adepta Sororitas Sisters of Battle Stratagems Rules

Of this first set, Extremis Trigger Word looks the most promising. Deathballs can be a serious threat especially when you have a secret ace to pump out a ton of wounds that an opponent might not see coming. For just a single CP, getting a ton of extra attacks is well worth it, especially if the unit makes it into combat at full strength.

Of the second set, Fiery Oratory looks promising. For just 1 CP, getting an extra hymn auto-inspired seems very strong. That is assuming that priests are popular includes in lists.

The 3rd set brings with it Suffering and Sacrifice and although it might be situational, it can be back-breaking for your opponent’s plans. Forcing your opponents where they can and can’t direct attacks is always a huge advantage. They might want to attack your biggest threat, but unfortunately for them, you ran in a cheap character and now they can’t. Potentially very strong.

Next up, Saint in the Making is a straightforward extra warlord trait Stratagem, which is always a good option to have. If you find yourself having a hard time choosing between traits for a list, it might be worth trading a cp for the ability to take an extra one on a different character!

Defenders of the Faith being both a damage buff and a durability buff really makes this powerful. Not only will you be getting double shots at full range, but you will also be getting super tough.

GW had this to say about it in their preview:

As the rank and file of the Adepta Sororitas, it falls to Battle Sister squads to hold the battlefield’s vital points in the face of whatever the enemy might throw at them. Defenders of the Faith makes them incredibly tenacious when guarding an objective, with foes needing to press through a storm of boltgun fire only to find the Battle Sisters shrugging off wounds that would lay any normal human low.

From this set, Purity of Faith gives you access to a single CP 50-50 Psychic power deny, even if you don’t have anyone who can actually “Deny the Witch”, making Sisters lists have a little extra wiggle room since you’ll be less forced to take defensive psykers! (although you still might want to anyway)

GW had this to say about Faith & Fury in their preview:

Faith and Fury is an old friend, helping your Battle Sisters get the most out of the miracles they perform, and now it’s even cheaper than before at just 1CP. With your precious Miracle dice more in demand than ever, it pays to stretch each one as far as possible.

For one CP this is pretty sweet! You basically can guarantee for one dice and one CP, an automatic wound. Perfect if you need that Melta shot to go through!

Inviolate Sheildwall allows you to protect a single unit, and if you made that unit very large, this single CP stratagem can be game bending. This is what GW had to say about it:

When an even greater defensive wall is needed, look no further than the shield-carrying Celestian Sacresants and their Ecclesiarchal comrades in the Crusaders. Both blessed with powerful shields and trained to hold the line at any cost, using Inviolate Shieldwall will see bullets, bolts, and las blasts peel off them like rainwater.

40k Adepta Sororitas 9th Edition Warlord Traits

Of the 6 Warlord traits, Righteous Rage and Pure of Will seem like great options. Rage is very selfish, but getting rerolls on hits and wounds in melee can be big, especially when you think about some of the bigger HQs that have been seen before.

Pure of Will is more generally good, allowing the Warlord to deny an extra psychic power can come in the clutch, and adding three to the rolls is even better! That being said, if the opponent doesn’t use the Psychic phase much, this is essentially wasted.

Speaking of Righteous Rage, Morven Vahl the new HQ gets it, making her an absolute beat-stick in melee.

40k Adepta Sororitas 9th Edition Relics

Onto the first section of relics! Notably, here Blade of Saint Ellynoir is identical to the old Blade of Admonition, as that now went over to crusade. If you took that in the Past, this new blade is your direct replacement.

A notable change in this section from the last book is Litanies of Faith is now once per battle round instead of once per turn. The Triptych of the Macharian Crusade also looks pretty decent. If you have a character you really want to keep alive, this relic will help you do that.

Iron Surplice has gotten strictly better and now gives +1 wound on top of the old version.  2+ save is nothing to scoff at, plus getting an extra wound now is great! This is another fantastic option if durability is your goal.

The Sigil Ecclesiasticus serves as a relic that simply makes your priest know one more and intone one more hymn, which is solid enough. Gaining exta support abilities and options is always great in the long run, that is if you think more than a handle full of hymns are good for your list.

What are your thoughts on all these rules? Which is your favorite new option?

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