40k Chapter Approved, AoS, Squats Pricing CONFIRMED!

new-ge-releases-pricingHere is the confirmed pricing for the new 40k Chapter Approved, AoS Skaven and Sylvaneth, Necromunda Squats, and more!

Get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of these pre-orders from Games Workshop that will go up for pre-order with your favorite retailers on Saturday, June 18th, 2022, around 1 pm EST!

40k Chapter Approved, AoS, Necromunda Squats & More Pricing CONFIRMED!

There are a ton of different releases this week including a bunch of stuff for the Outlands, AoS, and of course, the new Chapter Approved, but with so much, there should be something for everyone.

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General’s Handbook – Pitched Battles 2022-23 Season 1 $50

General’s Handbook – Pitched Battles 2022-23 Season 1

A new season of war begins with the General’s Handbook, an essential supplement for Warhammer Age of Sigmar which includes updated battleplans and Pitched Battle profiles for every unit in the game. As the definitive companion for competitive Warhammer Age of Sigmar players, it contains everything you need to take your tabletop clashes into the new season and brave the harsh environs of the Splintered Land of Gallet.

New General’s Handbook means new rules! Exciting times for all AoS players!

Battletome: Sylvaneth $55

Battletome Sylvaneth

Alarielle’s Rite of Life has invigorated the Mortal Realms, and none feel its effects as keenly as her own Sylvaneth children. Freed from the torpor of the Necroquake, her armies once again reach out into the world, and all their newfound strength can be found within the pages of Battletome: Sylvaneth.

Take up arms and protect the world of the living with the help of Alarielle and her servants.

Gossamid Archers $60

Gossamid Archers

Joining the throngs of tree spirits who march at Alarielle’s call, the Gossamid Archers sprang to life following the revival of the Oak of Ages Past. Soaring through the air on graceful zephyrspite wings, they fire their bows with peerless accuracy, even on the move, using terrifying larval arrowheads that rapidly grow as they eat through their victims. Lovely.

This new unit for Sylvaneth looks to be a strong one as any ranged options in the melee dense AOS are usually worth considering.

Spiterider Lancers $60

Spiterider Lancers

Also carried through the air, but this time on agile dragonsprite mounts, the Spiterider Lancers skewer unlucky foes on vicious lances as their insect steeds swoop around the battlefield. This kit can also build a band of Revenant Seekers, who guide the spirits of fallen Sylvaneth back to their soulpod groves. Both units possess the powerful ability to heal themselves when enemies fall before their blades.

The other new model is some bug-riding cavalry, which is certainly not afraid of charging in.

Battletome: Skaven $55

Battletome Skaven

Skittering, twitching, scheming Skaven raise their heads once more and set their beady eyes on the Mortal Realms, as the Horned Rat’s hordes seek to consume everything in a tide of blades and fur. Battletome: Skaven contains everything you need to begin your campaign of conquest over the foolish man-things that inhabit the realms. And if you can make sure a few of your rivals perish-disappear in the process? Even better, yes-yes!

Skaven needed a bit of help. so this update was very welcomed. Ratmen rejoice!

Warscroll Cards – Sylvaneth $33.50, Skaven $35, and Daughters of Khaine $35

Warscroll Cards – Sylvaneth, Skaven, and Daughters of Khaine

Three new sets of Warscroll Cards came out for this week’s focus factions, making the learning process and learning games easier by giving you quicker access to the information you need to play.

Dice Sets – Sylvaneth and Skaven $38 Each

Dice Sets – Sylvaneth and Skaven

Along with their updates, the two focus factions are also getting access to new dice.

Vanguard: Daughters of Khaine $130

Vanguard Daughters of Khaine

Fresh from giving the Nighthaunt the fight of their lives in the Arena of Blood boxed set, the Daughters of Khaine are heading right back into the thick of things with their long-awaited Vanguard box. This box contains five Blood Stalkers, five Doomfire Warlocks, 10 Witch Aelves, and a Melusai Ironscale to lead them. It’s both the perfect place to start a Daughters of Khaine army and a valuable collection of powerful units to bolster an existing force – all while saving money.

The first of a few new Vanguards are for Daughters of Khaine, which is an easy purchase for fans of the faction who still want to bolster their forces a bit.

Vanguard: Skaven $130

Vanguard Skaven

Not to be outdone, the Skaven have concocted their own Vanguard box. It’s packed with verminous minions to boss around – a Grey Seer leads a pack of 20 Clanrats, supported by three hulking Stormfiends and the awesome technological might of a Warp Lightning Cannon. Whether you’re starting a new army or adding to your swarm, this is a collection of powerful and volatile weapons – with a furred horde ideal for occupying unwitting targets while your gunners lock on.

Another new vanguard is coming for Skaven, perfect for any prospective and returning players.

Vanguard: Nighthaunt $130

Vanguard Nighthaunt

Rising from their graves to reignite their war against the living, the Nighthaunt come prepared with a Vanguard box full of spectral soldiers. With a grim hero leading an otherworldly battleline, this is a great way to start a new army – or reinforce an existing one. 20 groaning Chainrasps flow across the battlefield in a wave of incorporeal death, while 10 Grimghast Reapers, three Spirit Hosts, and a macabre Knight of Shrouds set to stripping fresh souls from their victims.

Vanguards seem to always be a good value, so this one is probably no different!

Auric Flamekeeper $33.50

Auric Flamekeeper

Previously held up defending his magmahold from the predatory Idoneth Deepkin, the Auric Flamekeeper now joins Fyreslayer armies across the realms. This powerful funerary priest draws strength from his fallen comrades to bolster those that still draw breath, hardening their hides or putting an extra helping of heft behind their axe swings.

Starting a string of AoS characters, this new one is from a recent battle box and can now be bought separately.

Akhelian Thrallmaster $33.50

Akhelian Thrallmaster

Meanwhile, the Idoneth bring forth a hero of their own to lead Deepkin forces to victory. The Akhelian Thrallmaster spurs his Namarti subjects on in combat, and can help your army’s rank-and-file stand up to some of the mightiest warriors the Mortal Realms have to offer.

Available outside of his battle box, this character is an easy pickup for Idoneth Deepkin players.

High Gladiatrix $35

High Gladiatrix

The High Gladiatrix is a peerless duelist perfected by untold years of combat on the bloody sands, and she now joins the Daughters of Khaine for the first time since Arena of Blood. Against enemy leaders she finds her true calling – forcing them to fumble their weapons like fresh recruits when faced with a whirlwind of bloodshed from her barbed whip.

Another new character option is for Daughters of Khaine. Quite simply, it’s almost always worth it for players to pick up these one-off new characters if it’s their faction.

Scriptor Mortis $38

Scriptor Mortis

Tallying up the souls gathered for Nagash is an important business, and only the cruellest bookkeepers get to spend the rest of eternity as a tortured Scriptor Mortis. These eldritch archivists use their otherworldly powers to mark enemies for death and ensure their souls reach their destined place among the Great Necromancer’s underworld empire.

Now available separately, this character is sure to be a great option for anyone who is a fan of the ghost boys.

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Chapter Approved – War Zone Nephilim: Grand Tournament Mission Pack $30

Chapter Approved – War Zone Nephilim Grand Tournament Mission Pack

Warhammer 40,000’s next season takes a step away from the embattled Nachmund Gauntlet with the next pack of tournament-focused matched play rules. Trouble is brewing in the Nephilim Sector, and only a lot of fighting is going to sort it out. Featuring critical updates to Command point generation, secondary objectives, Warlord Traits, and Relics, this Grand Tournament mission pack is invaluable for anyone who enjoys matched play games of Warhammer 40,000, whether you’re a tournament veteran or simply like to ensure your battles are always fought on an even footing. 

Whooohooo looks like those spicy Warlord Traits and Relics rumors may just be for real. Either way, a rules update is one of the best ways to spice up your games, so this new mission pack might actually be a lot better than it seems.

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The Book of the Outlands $50

The Book of the Outlands

The other gangs of the Underhive can follow the Orlocks out into the ash wastes in the Book of the Outlands, the next major supplement for Necromunda. Uncover an entire world of dangerous missions, choking ash storms, and prime holiday destinations out in the wastes, where you’ll need to construct your own vehicles and plan a hijack or two to survive the trials and tribulations of outside life.  

New rules always help game systems change and adapt over time, so this one is great for that exact reason!

Cargo-8 Ridgehauler $95

Cargo-8 Ridgehauler

Few Necromundans of any repute are inclined to spend time in the ash wastes, but when they do it pays to have the toughest thing on wheels at your back. The Cargo-8 Ridgehauler is a veritable beast of a machine. Shrugging off all but the heaviest weapons, it ensures that your gang’s valuables remain safe and sound within its armoured hold. Add this behemoth to your gang, and head off to ruin someone’s day in style.

The biggest and badest cargo truck on this side of Ash Wastes is finally coming!

Cargo-8 Ridgehauler Trailer $60

Cargo-8 Ridgehauler Trailer

What’s better than an armoured truck barreling across the wastes? A really long armoured truck barreling across the wastes, bristling with guns, traps, and precious cargo. Carry more loot, more ordnance, and more prestige by adding extra trailers to your Cargo-8 Ridgehauler, and show any gang foolish enough to get in your way that, on Necromunda, size really does matter.

Extend your Cargo-8 with this trailer to use as extra story building or simply more on theme cover in Necromunda.

Ironhead Squat Prospectors $47

Tough and taciturn, the Ironhead Squat Prospectors excel at reclaiming valuable materials from the most dangerous environments on the planet. Whether it’s irradiated deserts, lethal sand storms, or the middle of a gang-on-gang throwdown – the Prospectors go about their business with grim resolve, stopping only to smash the odd enemy ganger into the ground with powerful, well-maintained weapons.

Being some of the first of the new era of Squat minis, these might be popular in 40k as proxies too!

Ironhead Squat Prospectors & House Orlock Gang Tactics Cards $16.50 Each

Ironhead Squat Prospectors and House Orlock Gang Tactics Cards

The Ironhead Squat Prospectors have plenty of tricks up their sleeves, learned through millennia of tireless toil beneath the hives. Keep their best-laid plans close at hand with these Gang Tactics Cards.

House Orlock can grab their own Gang Tactics in this pack of cards, collecting their repertoire of schemes, gambits, and sharp practices in one convenient place. 

The next two characters are suspected to be from Forge World, so keep that in mind if you want to look for them.

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Dark Imperium: Plague War $16

Dark Imperium Plague War

Guy Haley’s classic Dark Imperium saga returns in the form of Plague War, now available in paperback. The second instalment in the series, this acclaimed novel follows Roboute Guilliman’s triumphant return to Macragge – just as the forces of his daemonic brother Mortarion launch an apocalyptic assault on Ultramar.

Prince Maesa $27

Prince Maesa

The lovelorn hero of many short stories gets his first full-length novel in Prince Maesa by Guy Haley, as the eponymous aelven hero strikes out for Shyish in a desperate quest to reclaim his lost love. Exiled from his clan for the crime of loving a human, Prince Maesa will do anything he can to return her to his side… but that means coming up against one soul-hoarding god who simply refuses to share – Nagash.

Embark on this epic adventure in hardback, eBook, and MP3 audiobook editions.

Sabbat War: A Sabbat Worlds Anthology $16

Sabbat War A Sabbat Worlds Anthology

Return to the Sabbat Worlds Crusade with a collection of 10 short stories written by your favourite Black Library authors and edited by Dan Abnett. As this bloody crusade drags ever onwards and the Imperium reclaims scores of lost worlds, fan favourite characters from the Gaunt’s Ghosts series and beyond tackle the ever-present threat of Chaos, Archenemy of Mankind.

Sabbat War: A Sabbat Worlds Anthology is coming to pre-order in paperback and MP3 audiobook editions.

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If you missed the latest few previews from GW, get all caught up with our coverage below:

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

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