New 40k Daemons, CSM: Pricing & Where To Get Yours

new-chaos-space-marinesHere is the pricing and where to get the new 40k Daemons, the final wave of Chaos releases, and more from Games Workshop.

Check out the new releases from Games Workshop, and those hobby dollars ready if you want anything that is up for pre-order right now!

40k Daemons & Chaos Space Marines: Pricing & Where To Get Yours

This week is your week if you’ve been waiting for all the insane new Daemons rules to be official! Plus, the rest of the Chaos Space Marine stuff is finally hitting shelves as well, so there is plenty to sink your teeth into.

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Chaos Space Marines Accursed Cultists Retail Price: $50

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Chaos Space Marines Accursed Cultists

This set comprises 36 plastic components and is supplied with 5x Citadel 25mm Round Bases and 3x Citadel 40mm Round Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Accursed Cultists sprue 1


Accursed Cultists sprue 2


Accursed Cultists sprue 3

These writhing creatures are some of the most grotesque models we’ve seen from GW in a while, and now they are available for the tabletop.

Chaos Space Marines Possessed Retail Price: $60

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Chaos Space Marines Possessed

This set comprises 56 plastic components and is supplied with 5x Citadel 40mm Round Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Possessed spure 1


Possessed spure 2

In a slightly more tame approach, we’ve got updated Possessed, which looks fantastic!

Combat Patrol: Chaos Daemons Retail Price: $150

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Combat Patrol Chaos Daemons

This set includes the following multipart plastic models:
– 1x Bloodmaster
– 3x Bloodcrushers
– 10x Flesh Hounds
– 20x Bloodletters

All models are supplied with their appropriate bases.

These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Now moving to more exclusively Daemon models, this new combat patrol is a great start for any fans of Khorne’s Daemonic forces.

Codex: Chaos Daemons Retail Price: $55

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Codex Chaos Daemons

Inside this 154-page hardback book, you’ll find:

– In-depth background explaining the twisted nature of the Dark Gods and their servants, as well as their exploits and conquests across all planes
– Disturbing artwork that illustrates the pure madness of the warp, and the bizarre entities that call it home
– All the rules you need to play a Chaos Daemons army, including 56 datasheets, Warp Storm effects, unique rules for each god, an Army of Renown for the Disciples of Be’lakor, and more
– Rules for Crusade campaigns and narrative games that allow your army to play out the eternal Great Game, and prove which of the Chaos Gods is mightiest of all
– A photography showcase of stunning ‘Eavy Metal models to celebrate the sinister majesty of Chaos and inspire your own collection

As with their 40k update, the new Codex features new and updated rules for any fans of daemonic-based forces. You can also pick it up in a limited Collectors edition version.

Chaos Daemons Dice Retail Price: $38

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Chaos Daemons Dice

This set includes 20 six-sided dice measuring 16mm along each edge. They are cast in swirling patterns of black and grey, offset with metallic silver pips and a jagged 8-pointed star on each 6 face.

BLood Bowl banner

Snotling Pitch and Dugouts Retail Price: $50

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Snotling Pitch and Dugouts

One side of the pitch is muddy and dank, with moss and fungi scattered across it and a prominent Snotling Team icon in the centre. On the other side, the mushrooms have multiplied, and the air is choked with green spores.

You’ll also find a pair of matching double-sided dugouts to complete the theme. Redesigned for the latest edition of the game, each dugout features score, turn, and re-roll trackers, plus Reserves, Knocked-out, and Casualty boxes.

Even if you aren’t a Snotling player, this board can provide a fun way to mix up your emersion in some Blood Bowl games!

Snotling Team Dice Set Retail Price: $18

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Snotling Team Dice Set

This set contains all of the dice you need to play. It includes:
– 3x Blood Bowl Block dice
– 2x 6-sided dice with the Snotling Team icon in place of the 6 face
– 1x 8-sided Blood Bowl Scatter dice
– 1x 16-sided dice

Show off your Snotling love with these themed dice.

Snotling Team Card Pack Retail Price: $30

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Snotling Team Card Pack

This set includes:
– 6x Player Reference cards for Fungus Flinga, Fun-hoppa, Stilty Runna, Pump Wagon, Snotling Lineman, and Trained Troll positions
– 8x Dirty Tricks Special Play cards
– 8x Miscellaneous Mayhem Special Play cards
– 21x Blank Positional Cards, to fill in for each player on your team: 2x Fungus Flingas, 2x Fun-hoppas, 2x Stilty Runnas, 2x Pump Wagons, 11x Snotling Linemen, and 2x Trained Trolls
– One all-important card that explains how to use all of the above cards, with a red card on the reverse

You’ll need a copy of Blood Bowl – The Official Rules to make full use of these cards.

Keep track of your Snotling rules more easily, thanks to these cards!

If you missed the latest few previews from GW, get all caught up with our coverage below:

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

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