RUMORS: More 40k Kill Team Terrain Coming in May!

kill team 2016 wal hor

Do you need more 40k Kill Team in your life?  Check out the latest word on your favorite 40k skirmish game as we wait patiently for Elites!

Before we jump into the latest, make sure you check out the first word on more support coming to Kill Team. Warhammer Community previewed a bunch of new KT releases at GAMA (a gathering of all kinds of tabletop game makers) so for the most part, we know what’s on the horizon.

Kill Team Elites & Future Releases From GAMA

Kill Team: Elites is a massive new expansion that brings the very deadliest troops to skirmish combat in the 41st Millennium. Inside, you’ll find rules that let you field anything from Terminators to Crisis Battlesuits to your games.

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kt elite 3

They’re adding elites from every faction into Kill Team: Elites! They’ve even got rules for the new units out of Shadowspear.

kt elites boxes

Amongst all the exciting news, Games Workshop will also be bringing even more preconstructed Kill Teams with their own special rules. These will be themed around the Elites expansion so get ready to playtest even more combos with your existing models!

Adeptus Custodes Will Be a Kill Team

kt custodes

With Elites announced, the Custodes are going to be making a debut as well. We’re guessing that the Kill Team size will only be about two or three guys because of how insanely powerful they are. You may be only able to play these guys at something like 300 pt games and beyond. But really at that point, it’s just like a small-point game of 40k.

Rumors of A New Kill Team Terrain Sector Spotted

KT terrain

Remember: take these rumors with a pinch of salt, as you should with all rumors. The only way of knowing for sure if these rumors are solid is to see the preview come from GW. 

With that disclaimer in place, We’ve got word from an Industry Insider that says to be watchful for new releases soon.

New Kill Team terrain set soon. It’s Kill Team Environments: Sector Sanctoris 

As for what kind of rules this sector will give to the Kill Teams, we have no clue. But a new Kill Team Sector definitely isn’t outside the realm of possibility. We’ve seen GW release these Kill Team Sectors in the past.

sector fronteris

For example, the Sector Fronteris (above) came with its own game mat and specialized terrain perfect for getting a quick game of Kill Team in.

What are your thoughts with the direction Kill Team is going? Have you bought any of the Kill Zone Sectors before? What Kill Team do you play now? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.