40K LATEST – Weekly Rumor Round Up

By Rob Baer | December 8th, 2014 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

red shirts wow

Space Vampires and the Big Dragon dominate the 40K news last week. Catch up on all the news and rumors and get ready a fresh week of News and Rumors!

Portions collected by our friends at Waagh Gaming with some translations.

Warhammer 40k

The latest 40k  Codex: Blood Angels is up for advanced order!


In addition to the Codex there is a painting guide Sons of Sanguinius Blood Angels Painting Guide


From these two books and an art portfolio with seven Art Print consisting Codex Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard Edition (only in English and 1,500 copies limited).

A Fresh set of  Warhammer 40,000 Data Cards: Blood Angels .


New models of course too, a new Blood Angels Tactical Squad and the Sanguinary Priest.


There were also new Blood Angels Dice , but were immediately sold out.

From the Campaign Box Shield of Baal: Death Storm, which was published last week checkout our unboxing video

The Hobbit

The first  is of course the impressive model of Smaug be mentioned. As impressive as the model is unfortunately also the price, Smaug costs $500.

For this is Smaug not Finecast but from the resin, which is also used by Forge World. In the description on the GW site states before Christmas only 200 web-exclusive Smaug miniatures are available, and supposedly it’s sold out…


Forge World

By Forge World, a new Primarch Horus Heresy appeared for, Konrad Curze, Primarch of the Night Lords .


There was this week also update the FAQ and Errata to the 7th Edition.

Blood Bowl 2

From the second part of the video game Blood Bowl , which will be released in the spring of 2015 a first trailer has been released.


New Horus Heresy Book IV: Conquest is out, and we got our copy a little early.

Checkout all the info on the new Solar Auxilia and Knight lists on the video below!


And now your all caught up!

Care to wager what’s in store for next week? -MBG