40k Orks Beast Snagga Boyz New Rules Made Them Tougher

Beast-Snaggas-Orks-PreviewsTime to compare the updated Boyz to the high-powered new Beast Snagga Boyz rules- check out what they can do!

Warhammer Community just unveiled what both the new Boyz datasheets will look like, the regular Boyz and the Beast Snagga version. The new box for them will have 26 new minis, and they all look to be pretty powerful, but this is the first we’ve really seen of what the regular Boyz can do. If you were hoping for two wounds, well, get out the tissues… But at least they have more strength and toughness.

Let’s take a look at the new box they are coming in, then get into the new rules!

New Army Box & Codex

Beast SnaggasAs we said before, this codex is going to be released after the box on its own. So if you want the rules as early as possible, you’ll have to buy the limited edition box (aka Sisters, and Lumineth Realm-lords). They said it will be a complete overhaul on par with what happened in the Drukhari codex.

Beast SnaggasThis box will come with every new mini for the Orks minus the new Warboss. Almost more importantly, it will give early access to the codex! We’ll say it one last time, this is going to be limited and we can only imagine how fast it will sell.

New Characters

Beast SnaggasThis is character is making a return after 20 years! He is a master of Grots everywhere and will have a special rule to upgrade one unit of them at the beginning of the game. This will give them better shooting and make them hit harder in CC. If you love Gretchin, this guy is a must-have.

Beast SnaggasThis mini is going to be bigger than a Terminator, “normal” Nobs, and most characters. Even the Ork on the back by himself is extra-sized, then you add the Squig height on top of that! This new unit will also have bonus effects when charging, but they didn’t say exactly what.

Beast SnaggasWhile not part of the Beast Snaggas, they finally made a mini for the Warboss in Mega Armour! It looks amazing and even has a little Grot shooting his gun for him.

40k Orks Beast Snagga Boyz Rules Revealed

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Old Ork BoyThat’s right, Toughness 5. In fact, many varieties of Ork throughout the codex are seeing an extra point of Toughness added to their profile (yes, even Gretchin). It looks like the greenskins are finally living up to the terrifying reputation they have for charging headlong into clouds of gunfire and coming hollering out the other side.

That is a nice change for the Boyz, considering their awful save, this may help them survive that small arms fire all the better. They also mention everything will be getting an additional toughness, so that’s honestly huge! Looks like that Gretchin army is looking better and better…

beast snagga datasheetThe dream of Primaris Orks is dead in a sense. But the Beast Snagga version will have strength 5, meaning their efficiency against the always common T4 will be way higher.

Beast Snagga rulesAll of the scar tissue and crude bioniks an average Beast Snagga accumulates over the course of their (usually quite short) life have their upsides too, as the chances of an incoming bullet or chainsword hitting something the Ork needs to function are even lower than usual.

Not only will they be stronger, but they will also be hitting vehicles or monsters on a 2+ in CC and 4+ in the shooting phase. On top of that, they will all have a 6+ invuln, meaning you will have a chance to save them even from pesky weapons with AP.

New Ork WeaponsRegular Choppas will have an AP which is pretty sweet, and the bigger you go, the more effective they get! You may even be able to mob some vehicles now effectively with just the Best Snagga Boyz as they will be hitting on 2’s and wounding most things, even T8 on 5’s base with -1 AP.

What do you think about the updated Boyz? Are you excited about the new book?

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