40K RUMORS – 2015 Release Schedule Leak

By Rob Baer | December 27th, 2014 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

Merry_Christmas___Happy_Necron_by_GregorytheImpaler - Copy

Checkout what new releases may be coming our way in 2015.

BoLS just posted up this collection of the latest rumors that seem to all line up, just in time for the new year!


Don’t forget too we’re already hearing about new Eldar Harlequins for a FEBRUARY Release as well.

January 2015

January 3
Last of Holiday Misc…

January 10
Blood Angels army box (Sanguine Strike force, £105), Clampack character, Skaven VerminLord

January 17
End Times Thanquol 2-volume set,  Thanquol mini (possibly the “big deal” mini of the Skaven release)

January 24
Stormfiends (armoured rat ogres),  Clampack Warlord & Grey Seer

January 31
Codex Necrons, Clampack character, and an army box (possibly scheduled later) – Look for some reboxings of certain sets as well.

End Times Rumor Roundup

Necrons Rumor Roundup

~ How are you going to kick off the New Year?