40K RUMORS – NEW Chaos, Dark Angels, & Campaigns!

By Rob Baer | December 28th, 2014 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

dark vengence walpaper

Lots of crazy rumors have been swirling over the last few days as everyone gets back in the swing of things post holiday! Checkout the latest below from today on new Chaos Space Marines and Dark Angels hotness.

Forums and blogs are reporting a few big things from the last two days;

Merry_Christmas___Happy_Necron_by_GregorytheImpaler - Copy

First off is a pretty well agreed on release line-up for January, that contains a crazy amount of new stuff from Blood Angels to Necrons and then some.

Then we’re hearing even more rumorings about new Deathwatch models (which to me seems less likely as you can just use Sternguard as them currently), new Chaos Space Marines, and even a new Campaign box that may feature the Dark Angels and Chaos themed from of Dark Vengeance perhaps.


Plus there has even been talk about the mysterious Eldar Harlequins getting some new models or a book as well.

Checkout the round up below of the latest!


According to Faeit

The next campaign for Warhammer 40k is rumored to be April/May and to be a round 2 for the Dark Angels and Crimson Fists. Nightfury has chimed in on a name he has heard called Darkstorm. It definitely fits, and we shall see as time moves forward what it will mean, but for now it works.

Please remember that this is a rumor. As with all rumors a little salt is required.

2015 will be the year of supplements and campaigns. Dark angels will almost certainly feature in the next campaign which i heard quite possibly is called DarkStorm

Honestly the only help the White Dwarf gave us was to hint at some possible Skaven releases that have already been spoiled.

via Nostromodamus 
There will be a plastic Cryptek along with a new Destroyer Lord. That is all I am aware of for Necrons at this time.  Don’t count on too many new units until the ranges are fully converted to plastic.  

As far as the latest floating around concerning Harlequins and Death Watch I have no knowledge of which could either mean that this is false information or that no new models will be released.

One project that is more on the horizon is plastic Chaos Cult Troops.  I can say that the Plague Marines are more bulky and tailored for the new bases.  Standard 5 man squads per box with all weapon options and nice bits to spruce up the Champions.  

Well what do you think? Personally I’m still waiting on sisters. Gimmie some nuns with guns please! -MBG