Don’t miss the latest top Non-Collectible Game sales poll that puts Warhammer 40k back on top for the first time in over 2 years.
Just to clarify, what we mean by “non-collectible miniature game” is a game that’s not based around a “blind buy” mechanic like Magic The Gathering booster packs or even Heroclix.
We’re talking about games like Warhammer, Warmachine, Star Wars Legion, etc.
40k’s Finally Back On Top For 2018 Game Sales
ICv2 hosts these polls twice a year where shop owners enter in what their most popular sales were over a certain amount of time.
Let’s take a look at what the leading game was last year first.
The Top Results of Spring 2017
Of course, you might have thought 40k was going to be number one. Surprisingly enough, X-Wing managed to top them! Now, what in the world is just underneath 40k? D&D Marvelous Minis were in third and you hardly hear anyone talk about this line of figures when you compare it to 40k.
Turns out they may sell just as many minis at $5 each as 40k does at a much high price tag…
Now let’s look at the start of 2018.
The Top Results by Fall 2018
X-wing was still at the top with 40k maintaining second place even with 8th Edition 40k releasing earlier that year. Warmachine actually moved to third and those D&D minis dropped to fourth. What did the most recent poll from 2018 look like?
The Top Results by Spring 2018
With the announcement of X-Wing 2.0, and a subsequent sales slump of 1.0 merchandise, 40k took the back top place and X-wing is nowhere to be found. Legion also made it’s debut on the charts for the first time as well.
Age of Sigmar crawled up into fifth place after all the hype for the new edition and rebooted factions earlier in the year as well.
What are we getting at with this? First of all, there’s a lot of games out there that may seem to go under the spotlight in your community, but believe it or not, they are huge in other places.
Once hobby shops get a certain audience, one or two games will take over and the others will never be brought up again. This makes you think that whatever your store is playing is the hottest thing.
Ultimately, There’s plenty of games out there that are still going strong. If 40k isn’t your thing, don’t be afraid to venture into some other tabletop avenues and explore what looks fun to you! Make sure to check back later for even more reports on the polls to come and see where your game places.
What do you think of these lists? Will X-Wing climb back to the top spot with the release of 2.0? What game is most popular in your LGS?
Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.