6 New JOYTOY 40k Space Marines Action Figures Revealed!

joytoy featureSix new JOYTOY Space Marines action figures for Warhammer 40k have just been revealed with Imperial Fists, Blood Angels, and Ultramarines!

If you’ve been looking for something to spice up your collection, these new Warhammer 40k JOYTOY action figures might be perfect!

It looks like they are going back to a full Space Marine release next, but we’ll also take a look at the most recent release that included Orks, bikers, and Ragnar, which are orderable right now!

6 New JOYTOY Space Marines Action Figures Revealed!

Space Marines JOYTOY 6The Ultramarines will be picking up 4 new action figures, but it looks like three will be in a squad of their own. It’s always nice to get more in one buy.

Space Marines JOYTOY 5


Space Marines JOYTOY 4


Space Marines JOYTOY 7


Space Marines JOYTOY 8These are super dynamic as we’ve come to expect with plenty of bits and posablility!

Blood Angels Lieutenant Tolmeron

Space Marines JOYTOY 9


Space Marines JOYTOYIt’s always good to see the space vampires get new figures! Plus, the head on this figure is actually really cool with plenty of battle damage.

Imperial Fists Thracius

Space Marines JOYTOY 2


Space Marines JOYTOY 10Who doesn’t want a true defender watching over their games of 40k?

Ultramarines Primaris Captain

Space Marines JOYTOY 3


Space Marines JOYTOY 11This is a really cool fig with plenty of extra parts and details! Now, let’s check out what you can order right now!

New JOYTOY Orks, Outriders, Bjorn, and Ragnar Orderable in the US!

Joytoy new wave


Joytoy new wave 2

You can get all of the above from Entertainment Earth right now or Sideshow, but we’ll take a closer look at some of them as well. The nice part is now you can a bunch of different chapters, vehicles, and even DKoK!

You can click any of the links below to go grab yours now!

JOYTOY Orks Action Figured

Get Yours From Entertainment Earth | Sideshow Collectibles | Order From Overseas or Amazon here:








JOYTOY Orks 3It’s so awesome to finally see Orks getting their time in the sun with JOYTOY! Hopefully, at some point, we’ll see other Xenos join the line.




Orks JOYTOY 53 new Kommandos are also coming, but since we haven’t seen these in the stores yet, we’re not really sure about the price point for the Orks.


Get Yours From Entertainment Earth | Sideshow Collectibles | Order From Overseas or on Amazon here:

JOYTOY bikers 2


JOYTOY bikersInterestingly enough, you can buy the bikes with or without riders.



Bikers JOYTOY 2Unfortunately, it looks like there will only be one of each released this time and not full squads.

Bikers JOYTOY 3


Bikers JOYTOY 4It looks like Black Templars and Ultramarines are taking the first spots, but we expect more chapters to join the line soon.


Get Yours From Entertainment Earth | Sideshow Collectibles | Order From Overseas or on Amazon here:

Ragnar JOYTOY 3





Ragnar JOYTOY 2It’s really cool to see such an iconic character hit the line, plus, who doesn’t want this insane figure cheering on their army?

Bjorn the Fell-Handed

Get Yours From Entertainment Earth | Sideshow Collectibles | Order From Overseas or on Amazon here:




Bjorn the Fell-Handed


Bjorn the Fell-Handed 2Their dread minis are always awesome and Bjorn is no different! It’s a little strange in a way they picked this, but hey, we’re not complaining!

Click Here To Get Yours From Entertainment Earth or Sideshow Collectibles

Will you be picking any of these new JOYTOY Warhammer 40k Action Figures up? What is your favorite?

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