6 Pallets of Magic The Gathering Cards Dumped in a Landfill!

By Travis Pasch | February 28th, 2023 | Categories: Magic The Gathering, Warhammer 40k Rumors

magic-trash-landfill-the-gathering-250k-wizards-hasbroSix full pallets of Magic the Gathering cards reportedly worth around $250,000 were spotted dumped in a landfill and the comments are amazing…

This is something we’ve heard of before from a bunch of companies, where the product is either damaged or “lost” and they end up in a landfill or someone’s basement!

We’ll look at the most possible explanations for why it was there, what it could all be worth, and what happened to the cards.

6 Pallets of Magic The Gathering Cards Dumped in a Landfill!

Reddit user LATINO was the one who found the cards and luckily posted some pictures and updates on the scenario.

6 palettes of Magic cardsIf everything in that pile is Magic, the value is quite insane! Every once in a while, at the dump, you will just find something insane and this surely counts, as some Reddit users have calculated the price and it’s pretty wild.

The OP has been somewhat quiet on Reddit, but people have been going insane over the find. Luckily though, the OP came back the next day and shared some more pictures of the find as people were a little skeptical of the boxes.

6 palettes of Magic cards 3They even set up an Imgur to show off more pics, and it’s quite obviously tons of boxes of Magic! However, as we said, he didn’t take much and we actually feel for him as people are really giving him a hard time over not grabbing all the boxes (even though it is technically against the rules of the landfill).

Here’s some more from the OP and things might have gotten out of hand a little…

  • The cards are all under layers of trash, each day 2-4 layers are being added. Don’t try to come and look for some. They are all damaged.
  • My biggest concern is I know some of y’all figured out the location, don’t call them. Don’t come to get them. The same field supervisors will tell you the same thing if you come out there. “You’re not allowed to take anything from here”
  • I did return today to dump my trailer, this is what I found and yes I decided to take it home this time. I do have 2 unopened from a special edition called secret lair, found it where I walked around the area where I was last time. I’m keeping them to remind myself of a woulda coulda shoulda moment of my life. Probably worth little but will mean a lot to me.
  • I’m sorry this didn’t turn out the way most of y’all expected. Again, I only took the photos. I’m not a card dealer, I don’t buy or sell cards. I’m not for hire.
  • Please don’t threaten me, this is Texas.

So if you go to the Reddit, please be nice! However, some users were guessing the value and it’s quite insane…

6 palettes of Magic cards 4

When looking at the value, this post feels fairly close to us, but it would be actually hard to know the true value when you have to consider what’s been damaged, what is unusable, and how much is actually left unsealed. Plus, getting rid of that many cards is basically a full-time job.

Still, pretty insane what could be a quarter of a million dollars in a landfill!

Why is it There?

6 palettes of Magic cards 2This might be the biggest question and the most contested one on the thread. Well, the most obvious (and probably boring) answer is that they were damaged during shipping, and whoever was receiving the order refused the cards.

When something is refused, the shipping company files a suit and throws it away. Companies sometimes don’t really check what it is, they just send it to the dump. Then, there was speculation that this was the “lost shipment” from 2021, but considering how much product, it seems strange that the company would have waited basically 2 years to throw it all away.

Then, the big final theory is that this could be the shipment ruined with mysterious chemicals. We’ll probably never really know, but either way, the cards are there, but as the OP said, they are getting 2-4 layers of trash piled on them a day. So at this point are probably ruined beyond repair.

Would you have tried to grab these Magic the Gathering cards if you found them in a landfill? 

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